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bowed Meaning in marathi ( bowed शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वाकणे, वश करणे, नोआन, साष्टांग दंडवत, नोहा, नमन, शरणागती, अभिवादन करणे,

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bowed down

bowed मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जेव्हा पुंथानमने त्याचा ग्रंथ मेलपतुरच्या हातात सोपविला तेव्हा त्याहूनही मोठा धक्का मेलपतुरला बसला.

’ या नमनाच्या ओळी म्हटल्या जातात.

फाइनमन यांना उत्कृष्ट स्पष्टीकर्ता म्हणून संबोधले गेले.

यातील प्रथम विजय जानेवारीत आशियाई चॅम्पियनशिपच्या चाचण्यांमध्ये आणि नंतर फेब्रुवारीमध्ये आशियाई ऑलिम्पिक पात्रता फेरीच्या निवड स्पर्धेत, सोनमने साक्षीचा एक हाती पराभव केला.

पहिले माझे नमन गणपती देवाला |.

बुवांचे "सद्गुरुनाथा तुझ्या कृपेचा सतत वाहू दे झरा" हे नमन अतिशय लोकप्रिय ठरले आहे.

पुंथानमने मानवी जीवन, संपत्ती, गरीबी, दुःख तसेच दृश्यजगातील डोळ्यांना दिसणारी प्रत्येक गोष्ट किती क्षणभंगुर आहे ह्याचे सुंदर वर्णन केले आहे.

नमनगन ही ह्या प्रांताची राजधानी आहे.

करिता नमन आदिपुरुषा // जय // 4 // .

नमनाची गाणी (पहिला कवितासंग्रह).

नमनाच्या भोवऱ्यात (मूळ - मई मनगळ सुळियल्ली, इ.

यमाचा मानावा नमन समरा भास्कर ल गा । यमाचा मानावा नमन समरा भास्कर ल गा ॥.

bowed's Usage Examples:

The double bass, also known simply as the bass (or by other names), is the largest and lowest-pitched bowed (or plucked) string instrument in the modern.

but it came to be used already in French for makers of most bowed and plucked stringed instruments such as members of the violin family (including violas.

He regularly plays a double bass, both bowed and pizzicato.

distinguished by its use of two-story bowed bays on either side of a parapeted central bay.

nearly all of the roof" the roof "is almost always a front gable, though gambrel and bowed roofs are occasionally found" "a better grade of materials is.

A traditional ensemble contains a singer, who plays this drum, and two instrumentalists, one playing the tar (long-necked lute) and the other, the kamancheh (bowed spike fiddle).

The sārangī is a bowed, short-necked string instrument from the Indian subcontinent, which is used in Punjabi Folk Music, Rajasthani Folk Music, and Boro.

million from contractors on city water and sewer lines, Addonizio stood impassively with his head bowed as Judge George H.

It is a bowed chordophone which uses the musician"s mouth as a resonator which enables the instrument.

told! Duty to country has cost one his all, While others at home are bowed down with the call In their sorrow, the one"s left behind, Voice a pray"r that.

"more a prickly thicket of brambles than a bed of moistened leaves, with creakily bowed strings, spiky rushes of acoustic guitar and occasional splurges.

heard the same language too often, waited too long, hoped too much, bowed down to the old men too often".

The extremities of the arms of the cross are embowed, with their flat surfaces urdy and their corners concave, with each pair of arms of the cross separated by three short rays.


submissive, bowing,


well, healthy, domineering,

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