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bower Meaning in marathi ( bower शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



ग्रोव्ह, मुख्यपृष्ठ, निकुंज, वन, राहण्याची सोय, आतील, कुंजकानन, कुबड,

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bower मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

निकुंज जोशी यांनी आपले मत व्यक्त केले, "या मार्चचे आयोजन करणे आवश्यक आहे जेणेकरून समाजातील लपलेली लोकसंख्या स्वतः ला सर्वांसमक्ष करण्यास प्रवृत्त होईल आणि त्याची ओळख सांगता येईल.

मोर्चाच्या वेळी सारथी ट्रस्टचे पदाधिकारी आनंद चंद्रानी, निकुंज जोशी, एलजीबीटीक्यूआय समुदायाचे सदस्य आणि नागपूर व आसपासच्या शहरातील नागरिक उपस्थित होते.

८० सगरमाथा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान (नेपाळी:सगरमाथा राष्ट्रीय निकुंज) हा नेपाळमधील संरक्षित भाग आहे.

निकुंजा बिहारी चौधरी.

कदा निलिंपनिर्झरी निकुंजकोटरे वसन्‌ विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरःस्थमंजलिं वहन्‌।.

bower's Usage Examples:

almost every home has its wine bower, its herb garden, its jasmine and bougainvillea, and its trees, predominantly lemons, figs, pomegranates, almonds, tangerines.

Clematis terniflora (sweet autumn clematis, sweet autumn virginsbower) is a plant in the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae.

versicolor – manycolored leather flower Clematis verticillaris – purple virgins bower Clematis viorna L.

commonly known as rose glory bower, glory flower or Mexican hydrangea (though not a true Hydrangea and not from Mexico), is a species of flowering plant in.

young leaflets half the summer through; From when the robin "gainst the unhidden blue Perched dark, till now, deep in the leafy core, The embowered throstle"s.

; he lived in a very neat two-story cottage, embowered with trees, and with two or three suggestive front doors.

gloom‑pleas"d eyes, embower"d from the light, Enshaded in forgetfulness divine: O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close In midst of this thine hymn my willing.

Liberty, so it decided Shall be its goals from the start Like the sun in skyey bowers golden shall our future be Blooming like a myriad flowers Shining.

neighbourhood of the bower, announcing its presence by an occasional loud churr-r-r, and imitating the notes of various other birds, especially the leather-head.

bower with calls, when the female arrives to inspect he will perform ritualised dances, fanning his tail, jumping and wing flicking, as well as further.

South of the village, where the hillside road is bowered with stately beeches, are four fine houses not far apart; Bramham House.

The fire-maned bowerbird (Sericulus bakeri) is a medium-sized, approximately 27 cm (11 in) long, bowerbird that inhabits and endemic to the forests of.


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pull out, recede, uncover, unsheathe,

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