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botched Meaning in marathi ( botched शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

खोडसाळ, तशी दुरुस्ती करा, गोंधळलेला, घोटाळा, तुम्ही करता तसे टाळ्या,

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botched मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

गोंधळलेला राजा बेहोश झाला.

म्हणून त्याच्या निर्देशानुसार, इतर योद्ध्यांनी रणशिंग आणि शंख वाजवले, अशा प्रकारे गोंधळलेला आवाज वाढवला की द्रोणाचार्यांनी फक्त "अश्वत्थामा मरण पावला" असे ऐकले आणि युधिष्ठिराच्या उत्तराचा शेवटचा भाग ऐकू शकला नाही.

पेम्बर्टनने त्याचे वर्णन "बेशरमपणे मधुर आणि भावनिक वाद्यवृंद संगीत" असे केले आहे ज्यात काही "गोंधळलेला विचित्र विचित्रपणा देखील टाकला गेला आहे".

अ‍ॅबिसॉसचा अर्थ सृष्टीपूर्वीचा गडद गोंधळलेला समुद्र असा होतो.

मानववंशशास्त्रज्ञ रितू गैरोला खंडुरी यांच्या मते, "धोतर आणि प्लेड जॅकेट घातलेला, गोंधळलेला सामान्य माणूस फसवणूक करणारा नाही.

तो प्रामुख्याने टीव्हीएफ पिच्चर्समधील निराश कॉर्पोरेट कर्मचारी 'जितेंद्र माहेश्वरी', परमनंट रूममेट्समधील गोंधळलेला 'गिटू' आणि कोटा फॅक्टरीमधील 'जीतू भैया' या पात्रांसाठी प्रसिद्ध आहे.

botched's Usage Examples:

during botched traditional circumcisions.

Poems IV and V express Pound's outrage at World War I, a murderous product of that very age that has dismissed him: There died a myriad/And of the best, among them,/For an old bitch gone in the teeth,/For a botched civilisation.

Pollard appeared on an episode of the E! Network"s series, Botched, where she detailed her botched surgeries that have left her breasts sagging with extra.

In the course of the match, Savage delivered a botched diving elbow drop to Robinson, cracking several of his vertebrae and collapsing his lung.

Shortly after a botched public speech by Ceaușescu in the capital Bucharest that was broadcast to millions of.

As Austin had feared, Hart botched the move and dropped Austin on top of his head.

Police arrested three suspects for the murder; several motives were suspected, such as a botched robbery or a revenge killing.

sung by Cale alternating with Lou Reed, are full of oblique, deadpan black humor and describe a botched surgical procedure.

What follows is the brutally funny, heinously violent and nearly botched murder of their survivalist cousin who they.

She was unable to hit even one solid routine over the two days of competition, and botched moves that she usually performed well, changing her second vault in mid-air during both days, modifying her second tumbling pass on floor during the first day, and falling on her back on her beam dismount during the first day.

Following the botched execution of murderer William Williams in 1906, public opinion in the state.

But when Surya is killed trying to flee the police in a botched mission, Charumathi blames Velu for the deaths of Neela and Surya.

interviewing the prince and botched a great many takes during the interview by flubbing his lines and even committing several royal protocol blunders.


bungled, unskilled,


experienced, competent, skilled,

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