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both Meaning in marathi ( both शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



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both मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

हे शोध नागपूरच्या पश्चिमेस कौंडिन्यपुरा, पूनार, टाकळघाट आणि खापा या भागातील इतर ठिकाणांप्रमाणेच सापडतात; १९६८ मध्ये कृष्णा नदीच्या दोन्ही काठावरील शेवटच्या दोन जागा खणण्यात आल्या.

म्हणजे दोन्ही आकड्यांत केवळ १ टक्क्याचा फरक आहे.

या भेटी दरम्यान दोन्ही देशांमध्ये संयुक्त विकास आणि संभाव्य बहु-भूमिका लढाऊ सैनिकांच्या निर्मितीसंदर्भात करार करण्यात आला.

भाषा, अन्न, वस्त्र व राजकीय संघटना यांबाबत दोन्ही उपजमातींत काही भेद आहेत.

दोन्ही देशांनी उच्च शिक्षण पदविकाधारकांच्या संयुक्त मान्यतेवर स्वाक्ष .

दोन्हीही खंड ‘द फेमिनिस्ट प्रेस’ द्वारे प्रकाशित झाले व सुजी थारो व के.

निरगुडीच्या गरम पाल्याने सूज आणि ठणका दोन्ही थांबते.

दोन्ही कुटुंबे (गोयन्काजी आणि Singhania) तयार करणे सुरू Naira आणि कार्तिक चे लग्न.

यात महत्वाचे म्हणजे ज्या दोन वर्णांची संधि करायची आहे ते दोन्हीही स्वर असणे आवश्यक आहे.

स्वातंत्र्यानंतर दोन्ही संस्थाने भारतात विलिन झाली.

अशाने विद्यार्थ्यांना पुस्तकी ज्ञान आणि वास्तव या दोन्हींचा मेळ घालणे शक्य होते.

या दोन्ही भूमिकांसाठी त्यांना राष्ट्रीय चित्रपट पुरस्कार मिळाले होते.

ते सिचिल्याच्या स्वायत्त प्रदेश व पालेर्मो प्रांत या दोन्हींचे राजधानीचे शहर आहे.

both's Usage Examples:

Coffins were designated for them both, but they recovered together forming a bond and soon married.

The constitution has a paradox of including both secularism and a state religion.

Film critics and historians such as Tim Lucas and Roberto Curti have identified Blood and Black Lace as representing an evolution in both Bava's style and the thriller genre depicted in cinema.

If both players tap each other at the same time, or indiscernibly closely, both players are considered hit and go down.

The island is known for its Patagonian foxes and guanacos, both introduced species; the former is not to be confused with the closely.

Viz Media will republish the manga in an omnibus edition in both print and digital formats starting.

and groups tended to fall into one of the categories, which would both hold sway during the period of the Republic.

Water is scarce in both summer and winter, and these hamsters have developed an excellent ability to conserve water by maintaining low evaporative water loss rates and concentrating urine.

A co-founder of the literary magazine The Paris Review, he was the only writer to have won the National Book Award in both nonfiction (The Snow Leopard, 1979, category Contemporary Thought) and fiction (Shadow Country, 2008).

Dee Why is in both the federal electorates of Warringah, represented by the independent member of parliament Zali Steggall, and the electorate of Mackellar, which is currently represented by Jason Falinski, a former Warringah councillor of the Liberal Party.

Sangster later turned to direction with The Horror of Frankenstein and Lust for a Vampire (both 1970) for the studio, but with far less success.

was engaged in trying to solve the problems of doubling the cube and trisecting the angle, both problems we now understand to be impossible using the.




all, no,

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