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approximately Meaning in marathi ( approximately शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अंदाजे, जवळजवळ, बंद करा,


अंदाज, सरासरी, जवळपास,

approximately मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

या प्रतिनिधींनी "लालबावटे की जय ","बंद करा, बंद करा,सक्तीची लेव्ही बंद करा " अशा घोषणा देण्यास सुरुवात केली.

चातुर्मास म्हणजे वर्षातले चार महिने, कांदा लसूण खाणे बंद करायचे.

! कोड !! उपयोग !! टीप !! सेवा चालू करा !! सेवा बंद करा !! सद्य स्थिती.

१८९९ मध्ये बंद करावे लागले.

मात्र ती २००९ च्या वर्षात झालेल्या मोठ्या तोट्यामुळे बंद करावी लागली.

इडली, ढोकळा, पाव, डोसा बंद करावे.

त्यामुळे राज्याच्या महसुलावर ताण पडू लगल्यामुळे सांकेतिक चलन बंद करावे लागले.

आपले आयुष्य जर दुःखी असेल तर त्याबद्दल मला दोष देणे बंद करा.

न्यूयाॅर्कच्या पाच दिवसाच्या आठवड्यामुळे रतन खत्रीचा मटका आठवड्यातून पाचच दिवस चाले (कल्याणजीचा सातही दिवस होता!) त्यामुळे न्यूयाॅर्क काॅटनच्या भावांवर आधारलेला मटका बंद करावा लागला.

यासाठी मनाची इतर दारे बंद करावी लागतात.

पुढे बांगला देशाच्या सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाने पर्यावरण खात्याकडून परवानगी न घेता चालविली जाणारी सर्वच्या सर्व ३६ ‘शिप ब्रेकिंग यार्ड्स’ बंद करायला लावली आणि बांगला देशात येणाऱ्या प्रत्येक टाकाऊ जहाजाचे मूळ देशात निर्विषीकरण करण्याचा निर्बंध जारी केला.

त्या आधी २-३ मसालेदार व तळलेल्या पदार्थाचे सेवन बंद करावे.

जिब्राल्टर विमानतळासारखीच येथेही विमानोड्डाणापूर्वी रस्त्यावरची वाहतूक बंद करावी लागते.

approximately's Usage Examples:

In January 2011, approximately 175 spaces were made available in the south lot which can be entered from Speers Road.

Hakama are tied at the waist and fall approximately to the ankles.

9 meters tall, or 6 feet 4 inches) and heavy (approximately 20 kilograms, or 45 pounds), and is pitched in the key of E, one octave below the baritone saxophone.

Based upon parallax measurements taken during the Hipparcos mission, this star is located at a distance of approximately from the Sun.

Amphimallon solstitiale, also known as the summer chafer or European june beetle, is a beetle similar to the cockchafer but much smaller, approximately.

Congress that approximately 34 million Americans are exposed to noise pollution levels (mostly from roadway and aircraft noise) that expose humans to noise health effects including the risk of [loss] (EPA, 1972).

The brewery has a capacity of approximately .

bodies and strong legs, dogs stand approximately 70 centimetres (28 in) with bitches being 1–2 centimetres (0.

It has a population of approximately 200 people and is around 30 kilometres far away from Rostock.

In the past few years, there have been around 250 applications for the approximately 50 open spots in the entering freshman class.

That is equivalent to approximately 3 billion urbanites by 2050, much of which will occur in Africa and Asia.

The landing site area is believed to be blanketed by ejecta excavated by the impact that created Heimdal, approximately.

For all intents and purposes the Newfoundland Regiment had been wiped out, the unit as a whole having suffered a casualty rate of approximately 90%.


about, around, or so, just about, some, more or less, roughly, close to,


little, all, no, many, few,

approximately's Meaning in Other Sites