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approximating Meaning in marathi ( approximating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



असल्याचे, जवळ आणा, ते येत जा, जवळ जा,


सर्वात जवळचे, अंदाजे, आगामी, पुढे, सरासरी,

approximating's Usage Examples:

after a Native settlement near its headwaters (askimenokonson roughly approximating a local Algonquian word meaning "stony place where they pick early [straw]berries").

As a result, the term post–Hartree–Fock method is typically used for methods of approximating the electron correlation of a system.

Direct collocationDirect collocation methods work by approximating the state and control trajectories using polynomial splines.

Scouting to something approximating its original style and activities; rejecting the trend of modernizing the program in an attempt to widen its appeal.

system, is a route following a path approximating a circle, or at least a closed curve.

Fontaine and a Nicolas Poussin, whom he elected to represent in his nightclothes, approximating the draperies of a Roman toga.

There are also work-arounds such as approximating the circumflexes with carets.

In order to find this, we can approximate Y(x) as a combination of a few approximating functions Y_i(x)Y(x)\sum_{i1}^N c_iY_i(x)where c_1,c_2,\cdots,c_N are constants to be determined.

Standard approaches such as approximating, locally linearizing and iterative solvers all apply.

information on terminology) is a technique for approximating the definite integral.

It is derived from approximating just intervals using multiples of a single interval without, as is standard.

In mathematics, the method of steepest descent or stationary-phase method or saddle-point method is an extension of Laplace"s method for approximating.

The selection of which approximating functions \varphi_i (x) to use is arbitrary except for the following considerations:a) If the problem has boundary conditions such as fixed end points, then \varphi_0 (x) is chosen to satisfy the problem’s boundary conditions, and all other \varphi_i (x) vanish at the boundary.


approach, resemble, border on, come close,


break even, dissuade, disassemble, criticize, overvalue,

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