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approached Meaning in marathi ( approached शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

जवळ आले, अंदाजे,


दार, प्रवेशद्वार, समीपता, दिशा, उपगम, उधार घ्या, भेट, मार्ग, बाजू, प्रवेश,


नक्कल, समान असणे, बंद, इगन, समीप, पोहचण्यासाठी, जवळ जा,

approached मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

उदाहरणार्थ, "सरासरी वार्षिक तापमानात ३ डिग्री सेल्सियस बदल हा अक्षांश (समशीतोष्ण प्रदेशात) किंवा ५०० मीटर उंचावरच्या अंदाजे ३०० - ४०० कि.

गडावरील गुहांमध्ये अंदाजे ३० ते ३५ लोक राहू शकतात.

पाटणापासून ८० किमी दक्षिणेस असलेल्या या शहराची लोकसंख्या अंदाजे, ५,८८,००० आहे.

अंदाजे ३ कोटी वर्षांपूर्वी निर्माण झालेल्या बैकाल सरोवराची सरासरी खोली तर कमाल खोली तब्बल इतकी आहे.

संताजी जगनाडे (अंदाजे इ.

ह्या भाषासमूहामध्ये अंदाजे ८७ भाषा असून त्या प्रामुख्याने पश्चिम आशिया प्रदेशामध्ये वापरात आहेत.

इराणचा इतिहास दुसरा कुरुश ऊर्फ महान कुरुश (अन्य नावे: सायरस द ग्रेट ; जुनी फारसी: 𐎤𐎢𐎽𐎢𐏁 , कुरुश, आधुनिक फारसी: کوروش بزرگ , कुरोश-ए-बोजोर्ग ;) (अंदाजे इ.

हा नगरपासून अंदाजे १२५ किलोमीटर अंतरावर आहे.

आयुष्मान भारतच्या राष्ट्रीय आरोग्य संरक्षण योजना, ज्यामध्ये १० कोटी (शंभर दशलक्ष) हून अधिक गरीब आणि असुरक्षित कुटुंबे (अंदाजे ५० कोटी (पाचशे दशलक्ष) लाभार्थी) मिळतील, दरमहा माध्यमिकसाठी प्रत्येक कुटुंबासाठी ५ लाख रुपये (७१०० डॉलर्स) वीमा उपलब्ध आहे.

बोलपूर उपविभागातील बोलपूर शहराच्या शेजारी सून, कोलकाताच्या उत्तरेस अंदाजे १५२ किमी अंतरावर आहे.

गावाची लोकसंख्या अंदाजे १०,०००.

पुण्यापासून अंदाजे ५० कि.

approached's Usage Examples:

Detective Greg MacAleese approached the local television station to request they film a reconstruction of the crime.

The IncidentDuring the yearly Loop Student Fair campus event where student groups setup exhibits in the school's cafeteria, Klocek approached the exhibit maintained by Students for Justice in Palestine.

approached the high level of the inspired IX, albeit there were "brave translunary things" in all.

against Kosarev, though he is said to have approached Kosarev at a banquet, clinked glasses with him, and whispered: "Traitor! I"ll kill you.

En route the airplane approached and penetrated a level 4-5 rain shower.

this small stone temple, approached through a cave passage, the matted tress (jata) of Lord Shiva is worshipped.

As soon as the trial was over, he approached the Guardians with proposals for providing security for sportsmen, and ultimately succeeded in obtaining some useful changes.

way, one day a beautiful woman emerged from this lake, approached the dumbstruck boy, who was instantly besotted and cast totally under her spell.

If compelled to unlimber under fire, a battery approached its selected position from a flank to.

Hassan played in the neighborhood, and during one of the matches with SaadAbad team, he was approached by Homayoun Behzadi, a national team forward of that time, who whispered to him You are a complete player.

Luckily, she is approached by Donna Troy, who joins the team alongside her friends Cyborg, Dick Grayson, and Starfire.

When Guber became CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment later that year, he moved Mary Reilly to Sony's sister company, TriStar Pictures, where Tim Burton was approached to direct with Denise Di Novi to produce in 1991.

these early cases, the Court approached problems formalistically - from cabining commerce to a specific zone to a direct/indirect test.


close, bear down on, march on, edge up, pass on, come up, go up, crowd, near, move on, progress, edge in, advance, come on, bear down upon, draw close, come near, go on, come, draw near, drive up, push,


long, careless, stand still, recede, go,

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