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appeared Meaning in marathi ( appeared शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उद्रेक, उदय, दिसू लागले,


उदयास येणे, देखावा दाखवा, उघड होण्यासाठी, गोळा करा, गळती, दृश्यमान असणे, ते आहेत, उदय, जन्म घेणे, पुढे आणा, प्रकाशित करणे, अभिनयाच्या भूमिका घेणे, दिसणे, विचार करणे, या, व्यापू, उपस्थित राहणे, उद्रेक,

appeared मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१९९५नंतर दिसू लागले.

अनेक महिन्यांच्या वेढ्यानंतर पन्हाळ्याची स्थिती बिकट झाली आणि किल्ला शिकस्त होणार असे दिसू लागले.

तिचे प्रफुल्ल मुख पौर्णिमेच्या चंद्रासारखे दिसू लागले.

गाणे फॅसिझम हे २०व्या शतकाच्या सुरुवातीस मध्य-युरोपात ठळकपणे दिसू लागलेले, मूलगामी अधिकारशाही राष्ट्रवादाचे एक रूप आहे.

त्यामुळे आकार अधिक नाजुक दिसू लागले.

१९९० च्या सुमारास कॅमफ्लुझ उच्च फॅशनमध्ये दिसू लागले.

या प्रकारचे दरवाजे हियन कालावधीच्या शेवटी जपानमध्ये दिसू लागले.

"श्री" हा सन्मानसूचक शब्द आहे तर भारतीय परंपरेमध्ये ज्या व्यक्तीमधील देवत्व लपून राहिलेले नाही, स्पष्ट दिसू लागलेले आहे अशी व्यक्ती म्हणजे "भगवान" ठरते.

विहिरींची भूजल पातळी वाढली, नाल्यांना पाणी दिसू लागले.

 पुरोगामी आयकर निधीसाठी सरकारी ऑपरेशनसाठी निर्माण करण्याचा पुढाकार घेतला तरी पुरस्कर्ते आर्थिक अर्थ, इतिहास, commonly associated with मार्क्सवाद, सेलीग्मन होते एक विरोधक च्या समाजवाद आणि सार्वजनिक मध्ये दिसू लागले वादविवाद विरोध प्रमुख संपूर्ण आकडेवारी दरम्यान लवकर 1920 समावेश, अशा आकडेवारी म्हणून स्कॉट झाले आणि हॅरी Waton.

एक काल्पनिक खाते कसे झाले ती derelict मध्ये दिसू लागले विलमिंगटन, डेलावेर, रविवारी सकाळी स्टार 11 ऑक्टोबर, 1885.

गणपतीच्या मूर्तीसमोरील लाकडी कमानींवरील तैलरंग काढून टाकल्यावर त्यांवरील कोरीवकाम उठावदारपणे दिसू लागले.

त्यांचे पक्षाध्यक्षपदी टिकणे कठीण दिसू लागले.

appeared's Usage Examples:

CareerOn 5 February 1974, Nolan made her first television appearance with her sisters when she was almost nine years old, as the Nolans appeared on the It's Cliff Richard! television series.

two regular season games and appeared in their semi final win, only to miss out on their next final.

org appeared September 18, 1998 with the sole purpose of building a petition to express disapproval of Bill Clinton, call for a quick censure and move on to other issues.

Li Kuo's mother Consort Shen had been captured by Yan forces and disappeared during the Anshi Rebellion; Emperor Daizong sent many imperial messengers throughout the realm to search for Consort Shen, but was not able to find her.

In 2002, his book Cartas de amor y odio appeared in which he gives his personal vision of politics, feelings and art.

He appeared as a B26 pilot in a 1944 Army Air Forces training film, How to Fly the B26 Airplane as a savvy captain who teaches another pilot the tips and tricks of flying the Martin B26 Maurauder.

The song Angel Dust also appeared in the movie 3000 Miles to Graceland starring Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell.

In 2020 Williams appeared in the BBC television series Private Investigators episode 3.

He regularly appeared as a stunt performer on Dirty Sanchez, Wrecked, and Balls of Steel.

BK Häcken Erlingmark came out of his retirement ahead of the 2005 Allsvenskan and signed for BK Häcken as a back-up player, but never appeared in any competitive game during his lone season with the club.

October 18, 1965: an ICC Boeing 307B-1 (F-BELV) disappeared while on a non-commercial but scheduled Vientiane-Hanoi passenger service with 13 (4+9) on board; the aircraft was probably shot down.

Viper (Madame Hydra)Viper (Serpent Squad)A new Viper appeared along with Sin's new Serpent Squad in the pages of Captain America.

Muktai was of course fully clad, but she appeared to Changdev as unclad and at once he turned away.


come across, look, beam, stand out, glitter, glint, be, radiate, cut, leap out, lift, loom, glow, rear, sound, jump, jump out, rise, shine, feel, gleam, make, glisten, stick out, pass off, seem,


increase, conform to, continue, validate, enliven,

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