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appeased Meaning in marathi ( appeased शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शांत केले, शांत व्हा, तृप्त करण्यासाठी, शांत करा, मस्त,


शांत व्हा, तृप्त करण्यासाठी, शांत करा, मस्त,

appeased मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यामुळे आपल्या खेरीज दुसरे कोण तारणार? दुःखीताला(त्रिविध तापाने आम्ही दुःखी आहोत) आश्रय देणारे आपणच आहात त्यामुळे हे प्रभो, हे गुरुदत्ता आपणच शांत व्हा आणि माझ्या चित्ताला शांती प्राप्त होईल असे पहा.

आणि तरी जर आपण आम्हाला शिक्षा करणार असाल तर मग आम्ही कोणाचा बरे धावा करावा? हे प्रभो आपल्या शिवाय आम्हाला दुसरा कोणी तरी सोडवणारा आहे कां? त्यामुळे आपणच आम्हाला तारणारे आहात तेंव्हा कृपया शांत व्हा आणि आमच्या चित्ताला शांत करा.

सरळ अर्थ असा आहे कीं हे श्रीगुरुदत्ता आपण शांत व्हा.

तेंव्हा कृपया शांत व्हा आणि आमच्या चित्ताला शांत करा.

आपणास माझी प्रार्थना आहे प्रभो कीं आपण शांत व्हा व आमचे चित्त आपल्या चरणस्मरणापासून विचलित होऊ देऊ नका.

प्रल्हाद नरसिंहांची विनवणी करीत होता, हे प्रभू आता शांत व्हा.

वर्धक्ये मुनिवृत्तीनाम् - वार्धक्य आले कि आपलू सगळ्या गोष्टी आवरत्या घ्याव्यात आणि शांत व्हावे.

appeased's Usage Examples:

"Major reshuffle at Egypt interior ministry leaves critics unappeased".

ceremony is supposed to bring good luck and fertility, while the curse of an unappeased hijra is feared by many.

How Charaton, the first of the kings, being incensed by the murder, was appeased by presents from the emperor.

important deity in their pantheon, a guardian who could bring illness, crop failure, and other disasters to the Powhatan if not appeased.

The belief that the souls of the dead return home on one night of the year and must be appeased seems to have ancient origins and is found.

The show was performed before a restive punk crowd who were little appeased by a version of 12XU (edited down to.

Geum goes to the set and apologizes to Yeo Woong and an unappeased Wang-joon for harassing him and Da-da.

Indonesian folklore, Orang bunian often have supernatural powers, and must be appeased with certain rituals and customs before humans are allowed to trespass.

There is also a belief in the existence of ancestors, ngipean or ngikaram, yet these are seen to be malevolent, requiring animal sacrifices to be appeased when angry.

And to make things right Ori should be appeased.

Ellen Harrison pointed out that "blameless" (άμύμων) was an epithet of the heroized dead, who were venerated and appeased at shrines.

This appeased Hitler and followed the German standard operating procedure for defending a river line.

In some versions of the ceremony, they are vanquished or appeased by the end of the dance so as to spare the children"s lives, and return.


assuage, tranquilize, placate, gentle, lenify, still, quieten, pacify, gruntle, tranquillise, lull, calm, mollify, calm down, conciliate, tranquillize, quiet,


disorder, ostentatious, stormy, agitated, agitate,

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