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traceable Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

traceable ka kya matlab hota hai



अनुरेखणीय, सुराग लगाने लायक, अनुमार्गणीय,

traceable's Usage Examples:

The view (traceable no doubt to the Aristotelian definition) that equity mitigates the hardships of the law where the law errs through being framed in universals, is to be found in some of the earlier writings.

When two organs can be traced along the same line of descent to one primitive form, that is when they are found to be mono phyletic, their homology is complete; when, however, they are traceable to two primitive forms, though these forms belong to the same morphological series, they are polyphyletic and therefore only incompletely homologous.

We find on further investigation that these two conditions are traceable to different parts of the organs concerned.

He teaches free will and immortality; and the design and cosmological arguments are both traceable in him.

(Adapted from Jaekel.) grooves, no longer needed for the collection of food, closed over, and are still traceable as ciliated canals overlying the radial nerves.

i.), "the very name, like that of the gesith, has different senses in different ages and kingdoms, but the original idea of military service runs through all the meanings of thegn, as that of personal association is traceable in all the applications of gesith."

The inquiries made by this body revealed an unsatisfactory condition in tile national defences, traceable in the main to financial exigencies, and as regards recruiting a new law was brought into force in 1 9071908.

The outline of a Roman fort is traceable at Watercrook near Kendal.

The site, which is traceable, is surrounded by gardens.

It is not traceable in history before A.D.




unascribable, unattributable,

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