tracheae Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
tracheae ka kya matlab hota hai
कार्टिलाजिनस छल्ले के साथ झिल्लीदार ट्यूब जो लारनेक्स से ब्रोंची तक हवा में श्वास लेती है
वायु-नली, ट्रेकिआ,
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tracheae शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
জজজवातस्फीति के पैथोजिनेसिस से संबंधित पिछले कुछ दशकों के बेहतर शोधों में जानवरों पर प्रयोग शामिल थे, जहां जानवरों की विभिन्न प्रजातियों के ट्रेकिआ में प्रोटीज को डालकर प्रयोग किया जाता था।
tracheae's Usage Examples:
The possession of gill-slits is as interesting a feature in the organization of Balanoglossus as is the presence of tracheae in Peripatus.
As mentioned above, respiration by means of airtubes (tracheae) is a most characteristic feature of the Hexapoda.
Specially characteristic of the class, however, is the presence of a complex system of air-tubes (tracheae) for respiration, usually opening to the exterior by a series of paired spiracles on certain of the body segments.
Limaciform, with internal rounded shell; mantle very small and triangular; pulmonary chamber with tracheae; no anterior tentacles.
Yarrell, " Observations on the tracheae of Birds," Trans.
The limit of each years increment of secondary wood, in those plants whose yearly activity is interrupted by a regular winter or dry season, is marked by a more or less distinct line, which is produced by the sharp contrast between the wood formed in the late summer of one year (characterized by the sparseness or small diameter of the tracheal elements, or by the preponderance of fibres, or by a combination of these characters, giving a denseness to the wood) and the loose spring wood of the next year, with its absence of fibres, or its numerous large tracheae.
The fibres are frequently found in tangential bands between similar bands of tracheae or sieve-tubes.
Hence such tracheae are only laid down in organs whose growth in length has ceased.
The thin-walled spiral or annular tracheae of the protoxylem allow of longitudinal stretching brought about by the active growth in length of the neighboring living parenchymatous cells of a growing organ.
In Velella the pneumatophore becomes of complex structure and sends air-tubes, lined by a chitin and resembling tracheae, down into the compact coenosarc, thus evidently serving a respiratory as well as a hydrostatic function.
tracheae's Meaning':
membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi