tracery Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
tracery ka kya matlab hota hai
बेल-बूटा, फूल-पत्ती, नक़्शा, सजावट,
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tracery शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
पशु-पक्षी, वृक्ष, फूल-पत्ती आदि को स्वस्तिक की निशानी के साथ सजाया-संवारा जाता है।
जानवरों, चिड़िया, फूल-पत्ती को स्वस्तिक की निशानी के साथ सजाया-संवारा जाता है।
फूल-पत्ती और पहाडों से घिरा ६० फीट गहरा एक मनमोहक लेक है।
यह अकीक के समान विविध रंगों में फूल-पत्तीदार व दाग डालने वाला पत्थर होता है।
फूल-पत्ती, कांच-कौड़ी से होती रुपाकार के आकर्षण की यह यात्रा निरंतर प्रयोग की पांत पर सवार है।
अलंकरणों में मुख्य रूप से स्वस्तिक, नन्द्यावर्त सदृश विविध आकृतियाँ और फूल-पत्ती के कटाव की बेलें हैं।
জজজ पशु-पक्षी, वृक्ष, फूल-पत्ती आदि को स्वस्तिक की निशानी के साथ सजाया-संवारा जाता है।
tracery's Usage Examples:
Hence the noticeable heaviness of Venetian tracery.
The result is that the tracery itself has to support the structure above it - is, in fact, constructional - whereas in most other countries the tracery is merely, as it were, a pierced screen filling in a constructional arch.
The peculiarity of Venetian domestic Gothic to which we have referred is this: we frequently find tracery used to fill rectangular, not arched, openings.
The development of tracery was hindered both by the material and by the relative insignificance of the windows.
QUATREFOIL, in Gothic architecture, the piercing of tracery in a window or balustrade with small semicircular openings known as "foils"; the intersection of these foils is termed the cusp.
The church, however, was almost wholly reconstructed in the Perpendicular period, and is a fine example of that style, the interior gaining in beauty from the scheme of colour-decoration in the choir, while the magnificent stone-vaulted roof with fan tracery, extending throughout the church, excepting the south transept, is unsurpassed.
Here also was produced the Book of Dimma, consisting of the gospels and accompanied by a brazen shrine, ornamented with silver and tracery, and preserved in the library of Trinity College, Dublin.
Specially serious damage was done in the immediate neighbourhood of the chapel, but the finely moulded arches and the magnificent tracery of the east window survived in great part.
The general construction of wooden screens is close panelling beneath, on which stands screen-work composed of slender turned balusters or regular wooden mullions, supporting tracery more or less rich with cornices, crestings, 'c., and often painted in brilliant colours and gilded.
There is an example of flamboyant tracery in one of the windows.
ornamentation, fan tracery, ornament, decoration,
natural object,