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testified Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

testified ka kya matlab hota hai

गवाही दी


साक्ष्य देना, शहादत देना, बयान कर देना, बयान करना, गवाही देना,

testified शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मानव अधिकारों एवं सामाजिक न्याय के लिए आंदोलनों के कारण इस काल के दरम्यान कैथोलिकों को शहादत देना पड़ा-विशेषकर लैटिन अमेरिका में, अल सल्वाड़ोर के आर्च-विशप आस्कर रोमेरियो को 1980 में वेदी पर मार दिया गया एवं मध्य अमेरिकी विश्वविद्यालय के छह जेसुसुईटों की हत्या 1989 में कर दी गई।

धारा १९१ झूठा साक्ष्य देना

धारा १९५ आजीवन कारावास या कारावास से दण्डनीय अपराध के लिए दोषसिद्धि प्राप्त करने के आशय से झूठा साक्ष्य देना या गढ़ना।

उसे ही पहले साक्ष्य देना पड़ता है कि वह अपने विरुद्ध लाए गए लांछन के लिये दोषी नहीं है।

साक्ष्य देना वह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें वे चीजें प्रस्तुत की जाती हैं जो -।

धारा १९४ मॄत्यु से दण्डनीय अपराध के लिए दोषसिद्धि कराने के आशय से झूठा साक्ष्य देना या गढ़ना।

testified's Usage Examples:

It was submitted to a committee of influential Jansenists, with the duc de Roannez at their head, and, in addition, it bore the imprimatur of numerous unofficial approvers who testified to its orthodoxy.

Official and other dignities testified the public appreciation of Auber's works.

The excellence of the converts, upon the whole, is testified to by travellers who really know the case; particularly by Mrs Bishop, who speaks of the " raw material " out of which they are made as " the best stuff in Asia."

This visit cheered the queen, and the successes of the army which followed the arrival of Lord Roberts in Africa occasioned great joy to her, as she testified by many published messages.

During the conflict between Paganism and Christianity when many Christians "testified" to the truth of their convictions by sacrificing their lives, the word assumed its modern technical sense.

Its report, published in 1882, testified to " the great extent and intensity of the distress which has fallen upon the agricultural community.

These bishops were originally not diocesan but congregational, that is, each church, however small, had its own bishop. This is the organization testified to by Ignatius, and Cyprian's insistence upon the bishop as necessary to the very existence of the Church seems to imply the same thing.

Biog.) argued against this date, on the ground that in 1584 and 1585 Crichton was alive and in Milan, as certain works of his published in that year testified, and regarded it as probable that he died in Mantua c. 1585/6.

The subsequent history testified to the importance of this controversy.

Agriculture was formerly developed on the Tekez, as is testified by old irrigation canals.


declare, attest, vouch, bear witness, take the stand,


overstate, deceive, refrain, direct evidence, circumstantial evidence,

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