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testifies Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

testifies ka kya matlab hota hai



साक्ष्य देना, शहादत देना, बयान कर देना, बयान करना, गवाही देना,

testifies शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मानव अधिकारों एवं सामाजिक न्याय के लिए आंदोलनों के कारण इस काल के दरम्यान कैथोलिकों को शहादत देना पड़ा-विशेषकर लैटिन अमेरिका में, अल सल्वाड़ोर के आर्च-विशप आस्कर रोमेरियो को 1980 में वेदी पर मार दिया गया एवं मध्य अमेरिकी विश्वविद्यालय के छह जेसुसुईटों की हत्या 1989 में कर दी गई।

धारा १९१ झूठा साक्ष्य देना

धारा १९५ आजीवन कारावास या कारावास से दण्डनीय अपराध के लिए दोषसिद्धि प्राप्त करने के आशय से झूठा साक्ष्य देना या गढ़ना।

उसे ही पहले साक्ष्य देना पड़ता है कि वह अपने विरुद्ध लाए गए लांछन के लिये दोषी नहीं है।

साक्ष्य देना वह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें वे चीजें प्रस्तुत की जाती हैं जो -।

धारा १९४ मॄत्यु से दण्डनीय अपराध के लिए दोषसिद्धि कराने के आशय से झूठा साक्ष्य देना या गढ़ना।

testifies's Usage Examples:

Now Wagner's excellent teacher Weinlig did certainly, as Wagner himself testifies, teach him more of good music than Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart could have seen in their youth; for he showed him Beethoven.

In fact the ready acceptance of spiritualism testifies to the force with which the primitive animistic way of looking at things appealed to the white races in the middle of the last century.

The author was well acquainted with the labours of his predecessors, as his list of over one hundred of them testifies.

The presence of Hindu ruins, as well as of numerous Indian words and customs, testifies to the strength of this influence.

22) testifies to the survival in Egypt of such Lord's suppers as were love-feasts and eucharists in one.

He was, as his secretary Morice testifies, " a man that delighted not in revenging."

For the most part this is founded on Dutch models, and testifies in a high degree to the king's progressive aims. Provision was made for the better education of the lower, and the restriction of the political influence of the higher clergy; there were stern prohibitions against wreckers and "the evil and unchristian practice of selling peasants as if they were brute beasts"; the old trade gilds were retained, but the rules of admittance thereto made easier, and trade combinations of the richer burghers, to the detriment of the smaller tradesmen, were sternly forbidden.

Many substances were used as pigments: Pliny records white lead, cinnabar, verdigris and red oxide of iron; and the preparation of coloured glasses and enamels testifies to the uses to which these and other substances were put.

The Central Hall atTollcross testifies to Methodist energy.

He settled at Ravenna, which had been the capital of Italy since the days of Honorius, and which still testifies by its monuments to the Gothic chieftains Romanizing policy.


declare, attest, vouch, bear witness, take the stand,


overstate, deceive, refrain, direct evidence, circumstantial evidence,

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