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testifying Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

testifying ka kya matlab hota hai



साक्ष्य देना, शहादत देना, बयान कर देना, बयान करना, गवाही देना,

testifying शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

मानव अधिकारों एवं सामाजिक न्याय के लिए आंदोलनों के कारण इस काल के दरम्यान कैथोलिकों को शहादत देना पड़ा-विशेषकर लैटिन अमेरिका में, अल सल्वाड़ोर के आर्च-विशप आस्कर रोमेरियो को 1980 में वेदी पर मार दिया गया एवं मध्य अमेरिकी विश्वविद्यालय के छह जेसुसुईटों की हत्या 1989 में कर दी गई।

धारा १९१ झूठा साक्ष्य देना

धारा १९५ आजीवन कारावास या कारावास से दण्डनीय अपराध के लिए दोषसिद्धि प्राप्त करने के आशय से झूठा साक्ष्य देना या गढ़ना।

उसे ही पहले साक्ष्य देना पड़ता है कि वह अपने विरुद्ध लाए गए लांछन के लिये दोषी नहीं है।

साक्ष्य देना वह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें वे चीजें प्रस्तुत की जाती हैं जो -।

धारा १९४ मॄत्यु से दण्डनीय अपराध के लिए दोषसिद्धि कराने के आशय से झूठा साक्ष्य देना या गढ़ना।

testifying's Usage Examples:

testifying before the commission she gave the following extraordinary evidence: ' One night we were sitting in the drawing room.

testifying the Receipt thereof, shall be a sufficient Discharge in that Behalf.

The frequent convocations of military assemblies, far from testifying to political liberty, was simply a means of communicating the emperors commands to the various feudal groups.

Among the objects found on this site were documents testifying to the name of the locality and furnishing materials for fixing the date.

A Board of Arbitration (1895) has authority to make and publish investigations of all facts relating to strikes and lock-outs, to issue subpoenas for the attendance and testifying of witnesses, and "to adjust strikes or lock-outs by mediation or conciliation, without a formal submission to arbitration."

They poured balsam on the sepulchre of the saint, washed it with their tears, and covered it with their kisses, in the belief that they were thus assuring themselves of his intercession or testifying their gratitude for his assistance.

Like Hamilton, Mansel maintained the purely formal character of logic, the duality of consciousness as testifying to both self and the external world, and the limitation of knowledge to the finite and "conditioned."

The Domesday Survey, besides testifying to the agricultural activity of the country, mentions over one hundred salt-works and numerous valuable fisheries, vines at Chart Sutton and Leeds, and cheese at Milton.

Wasn't there some law that prevented a wife from testifying against her husband?

Locke had treated ideas as testifying, to the existence of matter.


declare, attest, vouch, bear witness, take the stand,


overstate, deceive, refrain, direct evidence, circumstantial evidence,

testifying's Meaning in Other Sites