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polynesians Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

polynesians ka kya matlab hota hai


पॉलिनेशिया का एक मूल या निवासी

polynesians शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

समोआ की प्रमुख घरेलू एयरलाइंस, पॉलीनेशियन एयरलाइंस और टैलोफा एयरवेज, इस हवाई अड्डे में सेवारत हैं।

नृजातीय तथा भाषायी दृष्टि से चम्पा के लोग चाम (मलय पॉलीनेशियन) थे।


चाम भाषा आस्ट्रेलियायी-इण्डोनेशियायी परिवार के मलय-पॉलीनेशियन शाखा की यह भाषा वियतमान के लगभग १ लाख और कम्बोडिया के लगभग २ लाख २० हजार लोगों द्वारा बोली जाती है।

polynesians's Usage Examples:

All this, however, must necessarily be of the nature of the purest speculation, and the only facts which we are able to deduce in the present state of our knowledge of the subject may be summed up as follows: (a) That the Malays ethnologically belong to a race which is allied to the Polynesians; (b) that the theory formerly current to the effect that the Sakai and other similar races of the peninsula and archipelago belonged to the Malayan stock cannot be maintained, since recent investigations tend to identify them with the Mon-Annam or Mon-Khmer family of races; (c) that the Malays are, comparatively speaking, newcomers in the lands which they now inhabit; (d) that it is almost certain that their emigration took place from the south; (e) and that, at some remote period of their history, they came into close contact with the Polynesian race, probably before its dispersion over the extensive area which it now occupies.

In any case, the Samoans are the most perfect type of Polynesians, of a light brown colour, splendid physique, and handsome regular features, with an average height of 5 ft.

- The Samoans are pure Polynesians, and according to the traditions of many Polynesian peoples Savaii was the centre of dispersion of the race over the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to New Zealand.

Physically the Maoris are true Polynesians, tall, well-built, with straight or slightly curved noses, high foreheads and oval faces.

The Rarotongas call themselves Maori, and state that their ancestors came from Hawaiki, and Pirima and Manono are the native names of two islands in the Samoan group. The almost identical languages of the Rarotongas and the Maoris strengthen the theory that the two peoples are descended from Polynesians migrating, possibly at widely different dates, from Samoa.

The Maoris are Polynesians, and, in common with the majority of their kinsfolk throughout the Pacific, they have traditions which point to Savaii, originally Savaiki, the largest island of the Samoan group, as their cradleland.

Again, while they differ physically from neighbouring races, while there is practically nothing in common between them and the Malays, the Polynesians, or the Papuan Melanesians, they agree in type so closely among themselves that they must be regarded as forming one race.

While their neighbours, the Malays, Papuans and Polynesians, all cultivate the soil, and build substantial huts and houses, the Australian natives do neither.

Similar essays at map-making are reported in connexion with Australians, Maoris and Polynesians.

This linguistic poverty proves that the Australian tongue has no affinity to the Polynesian group of languages, where denary enumeration prevails: the nearest Polynesians, the Maoris, counting in thousands.

polynesians's Meaning':

a native or inhabitant of Polynesia


Fijian, Tongan, Samoan, Polynesia, Tahitian, Austronesian,


artificial language,

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