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manichaeism Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

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तीसरी शताब्दी में पुरुषों द्वारा स्थापित एक धर्म; हल्के और अंधेरे और बेबीलोनियन लोकगीत और बौद्ध नैतिकता और ईसाई धर्म के सतही तत्वों के बीच जोरोस्ट्रियन द्वैत्य का संश्लेषण; रोमन साम्राज्य में व्यापक रूप से फैला हुआ था, लेकिन 1000 से काफी हद तक मृत्यु हो गई थी

manichaeism's Usage Examples:

And it is interesting to observe how, e.g., St Augustine, though desperately combating the dualism of the Manichaeans, yet afterwards introduced a number of dualistic ideas into Christianity, which are distinguishable from those of Manichaeism only by a very keen eye, and even then with difficulty.

It was through Neoplatonism that Augustine got rid of scepticism and the last dregs of Manichaeism.


is the king who, by the instigation of the magians, put to a cruel death the prophet Mani, the founder of Manichaeism.

The Albigenses have received much sympathy, as being a kind of pre-Reformation Protestants; but it is now recognized that their tenets were an extreme form of Manichaeism.

Wolff's list is of some historical importance - atheism, deism (a God without care for men) and naturalism (denial of supernatural revelation); anthropomorphism (assigning a human body to God); materialism, and idealism (non-existence of matter); paganism (polytheism); Manichaeism, Spinozism, Epicureanism.

Their religion has points of connexion with old Iranian and Assyrian beliefs and traces of Manichaeism and Nestorianism.

In the later heresy of Manichaeism there were affinities to Gnosticism, but it was a mixture of many elements, Babylonian-Chaldaic theosophy, Persian dualism and even Buddhist ethics (p. 126).

Manichaeism, which combined the adoration of Zoroaster and Christ, became the refuge of those supporters of Mithraism who were inclined to compromise, while many found the transition to orthodox Christianity easy because of its very resemblance to their old faith.

of Toulouse on account of the murder of a papal legate who was attempting to suppress Manichaeism, and offered all Catholics the right to occupy and guard his territories.

manichaeism's Meaning':

a religion founded by Manes in the third century; a synthesis of Zoroastrian dualism between light and dark and Babylonian folklore and Buddhist ethics and superficial elements of Christianity; spread widely in the Roman Empire but had largely died out by 1000


religious belief, religion, Manichaeanism, faith,


apophatism, atheism, doctrine of analogy, cataphatism, unbelief,

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