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disdainful Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

disdainful ka kya matlab hota hai



घृणा-युक्त, घिन का, नफ़रत का, उपेक्षा का, हेय,

disdainful's Usage Examples:

In 1997, Microsoft was so disdainful of federal bureaucrats that it created a Web site specifically to keep regulators at bay.

disdainful manner, " Come, my dear, let us leave these vulgar creatures.

disdainful smile he so well remembered curling her lips.

disdainful remark when I approached him on the edge of the dance floor.

disdainful look if you like, but the four is the card to play.

His friends speak of his charm and gaiety in intimate intercourse, but among strangers he was silent and awkward, and produced the impression of being reserved and disdainful.

His philosophical treatises abound with incoherent formulae to which, according to their inventor, every demonstration in every science may be reduced, and posterity has ratified Bacon's disdainful verdict on Lull's pretensions as a thinker; still the fact that he broke away from the scholastic system has recommended him to the historians of philosophy, and the subtle ingenuity of his dialectic has compelled the admiration of men so far apart in opinion as Giordano Bruno and Leibniz.

The story of her love for the disdainful Phaon, and her leap into the sea from the Leucadian promontory, together with that of her flight from Mytilene to Sicily, has no confirmation; we are not even told whether she died of the leap or not.

In fact, he says, "It had left me somewhat disdainful of the process."

Disdainful of the intrigues of his rival Rattazzi, he found himself obliged in 1862 to resign office, but returned to power in 1866.


scornful, insulting, contemptuous, disrespectful,


unsarcastic, lowborn, unadventurous, submissive, respectful,

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