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bryophyta Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bryophyta ka kya matlab hota hai


वास्तविक जड़ों की बजाय rhizoids द्वारा विशेषता nonflowering संयंत्रों का एक विभाजन और कम या कोई संगठित संवहनी ऊतक होने और जीताओं के असर रूपों और बीखाने के रूपों के बीच पीढ़ियों के विकल्प दिखा रहा है; TRUE MOSSES (BRYOPSIDA) शामिल है

bryophyta शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

कंप्यूटर ब्रायोफाइटा (Bryophyta) वनस्पति जगत का एक बड़ा वर्ग है।

ब्रायोफाइटा को आरंभ में दो भागों में बाँटा जाता था : हिपैटिसी (Hepaticae) और मसाइ (Musci); परंतु बीसवीं शताब्दी के शुरू से ही ऐंथोसिरोटेलीज़ (Anthocerotales) को हिपैटिसी से अलग एक स्वतंत्र उपवर्ग ऐंथोसिरोटी (Anthocerotae) में रखा जाने लगा है।

* ब्रायोफाइटा (Bryophyta) और।

कुछ ब्रायोफाइटा के पौधों में, जैसे मॉसों (mosses) तथा लिवरवर्टों (liverworts) में, पौधे के ऊपर विशिष्ट प्रकार के उभार निकल आते हैं।

अधिकांश वैज्ञानिक ब्रायोफाइटा को तीन उपवर्गो में बांटतें हैं।

ऐसा सोचा जाता है कि ब्रायोफाइटा की उत्पत्ति हरे शैवाल से हुई होगी।

ब्रायोफाइटा वर्ग के इस प्रचलित पौधे में वास्तविक जड़ों का अभाव रहता है।


ब्रायोफाइटा के एक वर्ग मसाइ (Musci) या ब्रायोपसिडा (Bryopsida) के अंतर्गत लगभग १४००० जातियाँ पाई जाति हैं।

पौधों के वर्गीकरण में ब्रायोफाइटा का स्थान शैवाल (Algae) और टेरिडोफाइटा (Pteridophyta) के बीच में आता है।

bryophyta's Usage Examples:

The development of the compound microscope rendered possible the accurate study of their life-histories; and the publication in 1851 of the results of Wilhelm Hofmeister's researches on the comparative embryology of the higher Cryptogamia shed a flood of light on their relationships to each other and to the higher plants, and supplied the basis for the distinction of the great groups Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Phanerogamae, the last named including Gymnospermae and Angiospermae.

Full morphological and organographical details are given in the articles on the various groups of plants, such as those on the Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, 'c. The following works may also be consulted:

Moreover, had the evolution of plants proceeded along the line of adaptation, the vegetable kingdom could not be subdivided, as it is, into the morphological groups Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Phanerogamia, but only into physiological groups, Xerophyta, Hygrophyta, Tropophyta, 'c.

In illustration of the indirect response, the evolution of the Bryophyta and of more highly organized plants may be briefly considered.

Thus in the series Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Phanerogamia, whilst the sporophyte presents progressive development, the gametophyte presents continuous reduction.

For instance, all the leaves of the Bryophyta are generally homologous inasmuch as they are all developments of the gametophyte.

In general structure they approach the Phanerogams with which they form collectively the Vascular Plants as contrasted with the Cellular PlantsThallophyta and Bryophyta.

In Characeae no fewer than four methods of vegetative reproduction have been described, and the facility with which buds and branches are in these cases detached has been adduced as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction.

The Bryophyta and Pteridophyta have sprung from the higher Thallophyta, and together form the larger group Archegoniatae, so-called from the form of the organ (archegonium) in which the egg-cell is developed.


bryophyta's Meaning':

a division of nonflowering plants characterized by rhizoids rather than true roots and having little or no organized vascular tissue and showing alternation of generations between gamete-bearing forms and spore-bearing forms; comprises true mosses (Bryopsida


plant kingdom, moss family, Hepaticae, class Musci, moss genus, Musci, Plantae, bryophyte, division, division Bryophyta, Hepaticopsida, Bryopsida, class Anthoceropsida, class Bryopsida, class Hepaticae, nonvascular plant, Anthoceropsida, kingdom Plantae, class Hepaticopsida,


Phanerogamae, Cryptogamia, end, misconception, beginning,

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