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bryophytes Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bryophytes ka kya matlab hota hai


डिवीजन ब्रायोफाइट के कई पौधों में से कोई भी

bryophytes शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

जो पौधे बीज उत्पादित नहीं करते हैं, लेकिन भ्रूण पैदा करते ही हैं, उनमें ब्रायोफाइट्स एवं फर्न शामिल हैं।

अन्य β-लेक्टम एंटीबायोटिक्स की तरह, पेनिसिलिन न केवल सायनोबैक्टीरिया के भाग को अवरुद्ध करती है, वल्कि साइनेल के भाग, ग्लाउकोफाइट्स के प्रकाश-संश्लेषक कोशिकांग, तथा ब्रायोफाइट्स के क्लोरोप्लास्ट के भाग को भी अवरुद्ध कर देती है।


bryophytes's Usage Examples:

In particular we banned residual weedkillers that could have harmed the rare bryophytes in the nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Undertake pilot studies to develop and refine ex situ conservation techniques for this species and other threatened bryophytes.

The selective thinning of willow species, which helps to preserve the epiphytic bryophytes, will continue.

bryophytes associated with block screes at high altitudes.

A number of rare plants including bryophytes are associated with these habitats.

Forms of scree dominated by bryophytes and lichens have also been taken into account in site selection.

In plant cells its presence has been demonstrated in the Thallophytes and Bryophytes.

The body of the sporophyte in the great majority of the vascular plants shows a considerable increase in complexity over that found in the gametophyte of Bryophytes.

In the Bryophytes water is still absorbed, not only from the soil but also largely from rain, dew, 'c., through the general surface of the subaerial body (thallus), or in the more differentiated forms through the leaves.

On the other hand, we have (2) an internal differentiation of conducting tissue, the main features of which as seen in the gametophyte of Bryophytes have already been fully described.

bryophytes's Meaning':

any of numerous plants of the division Bryophyta


nonvascular plant, Bryophyta, liverwort, moss, nonvascular organism, division Bryophyta, hepatic,


acrocarp, pleurocarp,

bryophytes's Meaning in Other Sites