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bryozoa Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

bryozoa ka kya matlab hota hai


समुद्री या ताजे पानी के जानवर जो चिड़ियाघर की उपनिवेशों का निर्माण करते हैं



bryozoa शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इनमें ब्रेकियोपोडा या लेम्प शेल शामिल हैं, जो जीवाश्म रिकोर्ड में मुख्य हैं, ये हैं एन्टोंप्रोकटा, फोरोनिडा, ओर संभवतः ब्रायोजोआ या मोस जंतु।

इनमें ब्रेकियोपोडा या लेम्प शेल शामिल हैं, जो जीवाश्म रिकोर्ड में मुख्य हैं, ये हैं एन्टोंप्रोकटा, फोरोनिडा, ओर संभवतः ब्रायोजोआ या मोस जंतु।

bryozoa's Usage Examples:

the Polyzoa or Bryozoa, which has been both added to and again removed from the Mollusca between Cuvier's date and the present day.

Stromatophorae, Bryozoa, Atrypa reticularis, A.

429, (20) Levinsen, "Bryozoa," Vid.

Thompson, 1830) synonymous with Bryozoa (Ehrenberg, 1831) for a group commonly included with the Brachiopoda in the Molluscoidea (Milne Edwards, 1;843).

Orders: Bryozoa and Rotifera.

Classes: Echinodermata, Bryozoa, Anthozoa, Acalephae, Hydrozoa.

Thus Microhydra lives amongst Bryozoa, and appears to utilize the currents produced by these animals.

The Oamaru limestones have been largely used for building stones; they are a pure white limestone, largely made up of foraminifera, bryozoa and shell fragments, and contain the teeth of sharks (e.g.

The conception of the Dipleurula derives its chief weight from the fact that it is comparable to the early larval forms of other primitive coelomate animals, such as Balanoglossus, Phoronis, Chaetognatha, Brachiopoda and Bryozoa.


bryozoa's Meaning':

marine or freshwater animals that form colonies of zooids

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