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temne Meaning in gujarati ( temne ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)


હોડી, બેલા, હપ્તો, ઘટનાક્રમ, યુગ, બ્રેક, બસ આ જ, સમાપ્તિ, અમલ, સમય વીતી ગયો, મોસમ, એસેન્શન, બિંદુ, સમય, બાર, લય, ઈજા, કાલે, વેકેશન, ઘટનાનો સમય, નિયત મુદત, કાર્યકાળ,


ગતિ રાખવા, સમય આપો, સમય સાથે મેળ કરો, સમય નક્કી કરો, સમય ઠીક કરો,

temne's Usage Examples:

it is not to be corrupted; and called a pearl because it is not to be contemned.

An epitome (/ɪˈpɪtəmiː/; Greek: ἐπιτομή, from ἐπιτέμνειν epitemnein meaning "to cut short") is a summary or miniature form, or an instance that represents.

While Electra is guilt-stricken after the death of Clytemnestra, Orestes feels no remorse for killing his mother, so his relationship with her is not very important.

disordered person, disobedient, as [a] contemner of lawful authority, and a wounder of thy weak brother his conscience.

"of the most unnecessary provocation" on Strafford"s part, "though he contemned the man with marvellous scorn … and I believe was the loss of his head".

supplanteth;’ for he not only supplanted the vices of the flesh, but even contemned the same flesh when Herod put him to death.

Drummond noted he was "a great lover and praiser of himself, a contemner and scorner of others".

rosenbergi Aurivillius, 1922 (Lapsus calami) Protemnemus rosenbergii Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1871 (Lapsus calami) Potemnemus rosenbergi ferrugineus Kriesche.

Nations, and by all strangers that come among you, to be scorned and contemned.

Orestes and Electra unite and eventually resolve to kill Aegisthus and Clytemnestra.

Orestes kills Aegisthus and then he alone goes to Clytemnestra's bed chamber and kills her as well.

As he put it in a letter to his father, "Till he be thus contemned, no man is in a state of salvation.

many of his fellow military officers such as General Giorgi Kvinitadze) contemned the Mensheviks for their alleged disregard of national interests and indifference.

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