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impractical Meaning in gujarati ( impractical ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)

અવ્યવહારુ, અવાસ્તવિક, અમાન્ય,



impractical ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં ઉદાહરણ:

જોકે, એમબીએસ અને સીડીઓ માટે પ્રબળ ઉધરાણીથી ઉધાર આપવાના માનકો નીચે ધકેલાઈ ગયા હતા, ગીરો હજી સુધી પણ પૂરી પાડવાની કડીની સાથે વેચી શકતો હતો, છેવટે, અવ્યવહારુ પરોપટો અસમર્થ સાબિત થયો.

જોકે તેવું શક્ય છે કે 32-બીટ બ્રાઉઝર પ્લગીંન્સને ચલાવવામાં એક 32-બીટ બ્રાઉઝરની એક 64-બીટ પ્રણાલી હોય, અને એકની બાદ બીજુ એ રીતે બ્રાઉઝીંગ અને પ્લગીંન્સ બંન્ને એક વચ્ચે આવતા પડનો ઉપયોગી કરી શકાય (જેમ કે એનએસપ્લગીંન્સરેપર), જો કે આ ઉકેલ વપરાશકર્તઓ માટે અવ્યવહારુ હતો.

impractical's Usage Examples:

He boasted in 1924 of his family success:We began building theaters, and introduced practical commercial methods into a flagrantly impractical and precarious profession.

low-use key to sacrifice for Spanish, to find two sacrificial keys for Portuguese was impractical.

However, native metals could be found only in impractically small amounts, so while copper and iron were known well before the Copper.

to disprove a statement by showing that it would inevitably lead to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion, or to prove a statement by showing.

The concession that perfection is not required stemmed from the fact that perfection would be impractical, given geographical limits in drawing boundaries and a general desire to give minorities more representation.

exclusivity clause, managers at Marlboro deemed the situation "impractical and untenable," and abruptly quit.

Unfortunately, such a weapon is in reality quite impractical as it is basically a massive gyroscope, and is incredibly difficult to wield due to the torque it produces.

mascot, perhaps due to the impracticality of such a suit, combined with the lateness of Al"s adoption.

Contributor Scott Tobias wrote that the character stops the action cold just to have a sequence about appropriate action-wear for the specially abled, culminating in a brilliant screed on the impracticality of capes.

Due to the cost and impracticality of relocating the Advanced Flight Simulator system the site retains.

Its relative major is C-sharp major (or enharmonically D-flat major), and its parallel major is A-sharp major, usually replaced by B-flat major, since A-sharp major's three double-sharps make it impractical to use.

types of protection and supervision impractical with electromechanical relays.

The 1888 replacement for the Mauser was an internal design from the Army, but failed through an impractical design.


romantic, practicality, unrealistic, wild-eyed, crazy, impossible, quixotic, unfunctional, softheaded, meshuggener, meshugga, unwieldy, meshuggeneh, meshuga, half-baked, screwball, meshugge,


cooked, impracticality, possible, realistic, practical,

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