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foreign country Meaning in gujarati ( foreign country ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)




foreign country's Usage Examples:

A mutual legal assistance request is commonly used to formally interrogate a suspect in a criminal case, when the suspect resides in a foreign country.

listed as a person born in a foreign country in French statistics.

Nathan paid them off, and for the safety of his family, Skinny calls and deludes Connor into thinking that he is leaving to a foreign country, threatening.

harshly "unfair" to one or more parties under a doctrine called forum non conveniens, often used in cases where the events took place in a foreign country.

Once a thing has been exported from the United States to a foreign country, the EAR define reexport to mean a subsequent export of the thing from the first foreign country to a second foreign country, and to any subsequent export after that.

In the absence of congressional legislation, the US government could not collect customs duties on sugar from Puerto Rico shipped to other parts of the United States by classifying Puerto Rico as a foreign country.

They are imposed after an investigation finds that a foreign country subsidizes its exports, injuring domestic producers in the importing country.

Festival" with the objective of the fight against poverty and hunger and globalizes Korean food in a foreign country.

the flag should be flown on the right side of the car while the flag of the foreign country should be flown on the left side.

CareerNamık Kemal Yolga was posted to the Turkish Embassy in Paris in 1940 as the Vice-Consul, his first diplomatic post in a foreign country.

A foreign agent is any person or entity actively carrying out the interests of a foreign country while located in another host country, generally outside.

(/oʊˈpɛər/; plural: au pairs) is a helper from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family.

base of operations within a foreign country with which a resident spy may liaise is known as a "station" in English and a rezidentura (резиденту́ра, "residency").


land, state, res publica, body politic, country, nation, commonwealth,


embark, leave, nonbeing, nonexistence, utopia,

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