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banjoes Meaning in gujarati ( banjoes ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં આ શબ્દનો અર્થ શું છે?)


ગિટાર કુટુંબમાં એક તારવાળું વાદ્ય કે જે લાંબી ગરદન અને ગોળ શરીર ધરાવે છે,



banjoes's Usage Examples:

also made heavy use of electric guitars, computer programming, bass, and banjoes in order to create a more seamless and modern sound.

basic country tropes both musical (twanging Telecasters, whining fiddles, banjoes bubbling underneath the surface, train-track rhythms) and lyrical (with.

in his Allmusic "Mandolins, banjoes, pianos, guitars, fiddles, kazoos, and trombones vie with one another,.

"n" (/n/) recurs throughout the verses ("banyan", "ranch", and "angular banjoes") and then in the chorus"s "dancin"".

written with a single letter, as in banjo, go, so, alibi, hi, fli, mi (but banjoes, alibieing, flies, etc.

In lesser hands, these combinations would almost certainly be disastrous, but thanks to the superlative talent of Bela on banjo and assorted banjoesque electronic devices, along with his sidemen, each with a unique instrument/approach, the result is wonderfully pleasing.

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