हॉबिट Meaning in English
हॉबिट शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : the Hobbit
, habit
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
निवास्यबसने योग्य
पर्यावासी क्षेत्र
अभ्यस्त गर्भपात
अभ्यस्त नागरिक
हैक लेकिन
भाड़े का लेखक
हॉबिट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Public middle schools in New York (state) REDirecT Vichy France Xenohyla is a genus of tree frogs in the family Hylidae that is endemic to xeric habitats of coastal Brazil, with Xenohyla eugenioi native to the State of Bahia and the State of Sergipe, and Xenohyla truncata native to the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Management efforts are trapping predators, under contract with Wildlife Services; mowing to provide habitat and food sources for nēnē (Branta sandvicensis); and constructing and maintaining fences to keep dogs off the refuge.
Thought to be based on Richard III and Macbeth, Urquhart is characterised by his habitual breaking of the fourth wall, his quoting of Shakespeare, and his usage of the catchphrase, "You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment", or a variation thereon, as a plausibly deniable way of agreeing with people and/or leaking information.
Soon Braga would become their capital, and their domain later expanded into Astorga, and in the region of Lugo and in the valley of the Minho river, with no evidence suggesting that the Suevi inhabited any other cities in the province prior to 438.
Generally, Maggie's own habit causes her to become quite cautious when eating some things.
Based on his knowledge of the Soviet Union's targeting of North America, the Soviet submarine captain's report, the French radioman's report, and what he has seen of Europe, Thomas, along with most of the ship's officers, concludes that the United States has simply ceased to exist, and what remains of North America is uninhabitable.
Clark filed for a United States patent on November 23, 1987 described as "Method for converting one or more steel shipping containers into a habitable building at a building site and the product thereof".
The common name derives from the species' habit of scuttling away on foot when disturbed rather than flying.
The pontoon will serve well as a habitat for fish, invertebrates, and algae and sea weeds.
As a tell, the site is the result of centuries of habitation on the same place, which resulted in a rising mound, as every new generation built their houses on top of the remains of older structures.
Inhabitants of Horní Suchá were involved in the resistance movement.
The unusual surge of immigrants coming from the Indonesian island of Java has also increased the rate of disappearance of the species' habitat.
The Second, or Blue World, was inhabited by a few of the mammals Earth People know today as well as the Swallow Chief, or Táshchózhii.
हॉबिट हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
जिज्ञासु हॉबिट पिप्पिन ने जादुई पालान्तीर का उपयोग करते हुए उसमें चुपके से नज़र गड़ाई।
"" इसके अतिरिक्त वह द हर्ट लॉकर (2008) में कॉनी जेम्स, रियल स्टील (2011) में बेली टैलेट और द हॉबिट फिल्म श्रृंखला (2012-14) में टॉरियल की भूमिकाऐं निभाने के लिए भी जानी जाती हैं।
दैत्यों द्वारा पकड़े गये दोनो हॉबिट मेरी और पिप्पिन सभी दैत्यों में हुई एक झड़प का फ़ायदा उठाकर फ़ैंगोर्न जंगल के अन्दर भाग जाते हैं।
होबिट वापस शायर लौटते हैं, जहाँ उनको मालूम होता है कि कोई दुष्ट शार्की (जो असल में सारुमान था) हॉबिटॉन पर कब्ज़ा जमाये हुए है।
होबिट वापस शायर लौटते हैं, जहाँ उनको मालूम होता है की कोई दुष्ट शार्की (जो असल में सारुमान था) हॉबिटॉन पर कब्ज़ा जमाये हुए है।
गोल्लुम (Gollum, जन्म : स्मीगोल Smeagol) नाम के एक बहिष्कृत हॉबिट के हाथों एक बार वो एक अंगूठी लग जाती है।
इस पूरी शृंखला का नायक है शायर नाम के एक छोटे से गाँव का एक हॉबिट फ़्रोडो बैगिन्स (Frodo Baggins)।
एक हॉबिट बिल्बो बैगिन्स (Bilbo Baggins) को अपनी रोमांचक यात्रा के दौरान किसी तरह (धोखा करके) गोल्लुम से वो शैतानी अंगूठी मिल जाती है।
ये उपन्यास असल में तीन किताबों का सिलसिला है, जो ख़ुद की टोल्किन के एक पिछले कार्य द हॉबिट की एक कड़ी की तरह है।
हॉबिट शान्तिप्रिय नन्हें इंसान होते थे, लगभग बौनों के कद जितने।
युद्ध के बाद उन्होंने एक वृहत काल्पनिक कहानी लिखना शुरू किया, जिसने सबसे पहले द हॉबिट नाम के उपन्यास का रूप लिया।
"" उनके सबसे प्रसिद्ध कार्य उनका उपन्यास समूह है, जिसमें द हॉबिट (The Hobbit), द लॉर्ड ऑफ़ द रिंग्स (The Lord of the Rings) और द सिल्मैरिलॉन (The Silmarillon) शामिल हैं।
द हॉबिट उपन्यास में एक इंसान-जैसी नस्ल का वर्णन है, जो हॉबिट (Hobbit) कहे जाते थे।
हॉबिट इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He may also have used the Pwca in developing the Hobbits.
Throughout the composition, Shore has woven over 100 identified leitmotifs (or over 160, when considering the music of the Hobbit films), which are interrelated and categorized into groups that correspond to the Middle-earth cultures to which they relate, forming one of the greatest and most intricate collections of themes in the history of cinema.
Along with his music of the Hobbit film series, the prequels to The Lord of the Rings, Shore wrote 21 hours of music.
It first appears when Elrond recalls taking Isildur to the Crack of Doom, and returns only when the Hobbits are on the side of the Mountain, fighting Gollum, where it is sung by the full choir.
Sauron's Menace or Mordor Skip-Beat: This is a "chase" ostinato used with the Ringwraith theme, a flipside to the Hobbit Skip Beat.
Themes for the Hobbits.
This variation only quotes the A section of the Hobbits tune; The B section appears only once, played by Tin Whistle, when Gandalf learns that he is dubbed "a disturber of the peace.
Hobbit Expectation motiv or Hobbit Outline: Used when Frodo first encounters Gandalf, and again through the Hobbiton scenes.
Playful Hobbit motiv or Hobbit Two-Step: This motiv is limited to the Hobbiton scenes, both in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Hobbit Bafflement motiv or Hobbit End-Cap: A finale figure to the baseline and the Hobbiton Theme.
"A Hobbit's Understanding": used when the Hobbits come to understand the hardships and struggles of their journey.
It is closely related to the Hobbit music but also to the History of the One Ring and the Weakness Arpeggios.