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हेसिंडा Meaning in English

हेसिंडा शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hesinda
, hacienda

हेसिंडा इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He grew up in the hacienda of a wealthy local, helping his mother raise goats she tended on the farm.

The hacienda offers horseback riding adventures into the precordillera of the Andes.

The common thread of the etymon is the prehistoric native placename, followed by pre-Columbian settlements of that name at these locations, the founding of missions at those locations, the production of wine, the rise of haciendas with that placename, the production of liquor, and the trading of that liquor into the city of Potosí.

The hacienda was sold and developed bit by bit until all that remained was the race track, which could not be developed into residential units because of environmental laws.

Through hard work, he improved all the land and turned it into one of the best producing haciendas in Opt-in email is a term used when someone is not initially added to an emailing list and is instead given the option to join the emailing list.

A pdf document published by FISDL indicates that "As per Antonio Gutierrez y Ulloa in 1807 Agua Caliente was simply a hacienda of cattle and indigo belonging to Bernardino Aguilar, five leagues N.

Valparaíso was first a village and then hacienda along with the San Mateo and a few others formed the extensive county of Valparaíso, property of the counts of the same title one of them Don Fernando de la Campa y Cos, was a very rich man also involved in philanthropy building infrastructure for the Catholic Church.

The hacienda "El Paraíso", owned by Isaacs' family, also figures as an important location throughout the novel; it is currently preserved as a museum.

Il faut construire l'hacienda, C.

As per other traditions, that hacienda became a hamlet in 1819 and then, fulfilling the Laws and Orders of Indias it became a village with the long name of San Jose Agua Caliente de las Flores.

Inland fishing, especially of prawn, has taken root, especially as pursued by owners of haciendas looking to diversify their sources of income.

Later that night, a drunk Florinda attempts to seduce Diego at his hacienda, but Esteban arrives to speak about the evening's events.

; Transición [short stories]; La hacienda; "Necator Americanus: O sobre la fisiología del caso Rhoads".

हेसिंडा हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

थॉम्पसन परिवार ने हेसिंडा को, पर्यटन क्षेत्र में अग्रणी रहे फरनैनडो बारबाचानो पीओन को बेच दिया।

""काउबॉय परंपरा का आरंभ स्पेन से होता है, मध्ययुगीन स्पेन की हेसिंडा प्रणाली (बड़ी जमींदारी) के साथ इसकी शुरुआत हुई।

फर्ग्युसन का जन्म हेसिंडा हाइट्स, कैलिफोर्निया में टेरेसा एन्न, जों एक कैथलिक स्कुल शिक्षिका थी, व जॉन पैट्रिक फर्ग्युसन की बेटी के रूप में हुआ।

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