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स्वभावगत Meaning in English

स्वभावगत शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : natural
, habitual

स्वभावगत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Thought to be based on Richard III and Macbeth, Urquhart is characterised by his habitual breaking of the fourth wall, his quoting of Shakespeare, and his usage of the catchphrase, "You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment", or a variation thereon, as a plausibly deniable way of agreeing with people and/or leaking information.

The song's lyrics refer to the removal of someone from their habitual social circle, and reflecting on what the world would be like without their presence.

Gordon's patients: Phillip, a habitual sleepwalker; Kincaid, a tough kid from the streets who is prone to violence; Jennifer, a hopeful television actress prone to cigarette burns; Will, who uses a wheelchair because of a prior suicide attempt; Taryn, a recovering drug addict; and Joey, the youngest, who is too traumatized to speak.

" The denotified tribes were reclassified as "habitual offenders" in 1959.

Those who habitually run transactions just under the '10,000 threshold will likely subject themselves to scrutiny and/or the filing of a SAR.

He corrects her grammar, criticizes her cooking and habitual lateness, insisting that she accompany him to literary parties at which she feels uncomfortable.

A wicket keeper who habitually stood up to the stumps against all styles of bowling, he was educated at Cheltenham College and Pembroke College, Cambridge and played first-class cricket for Cambridge University from 1913 to 1920.

Under the Commonwealth law a spouse had to establish one of the 14 grounds for divorce set out in the Act, including adultery, desertion, cruelty, habitual drunkenness, imprisonment and insanity.

According to the demand of the South Korea Government, Japanese Government released 472 Korean criminals in Japan who had been imprisoned as a serious criminal or a habitual criminal and granted them the special permission of residence in exchange for the restoration of Japanese detainees.

All ungulates are considered cursorial based on these criteria, but in fact there are some ungulates that do not habitually run.

Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore.

I am habitually inclined to give our millions my first thoughts and consideration.

स्वभावगत हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अतएव पात्र की स्वभावगत शांति एवं लौकिक दु:ख सुख के प्रति विराग के प्रदर्शन से ही काम चल सकता है।

स्वभावगत कर्म करना सरल है और दूसरे के स्वभावगत कर्म को अपनाकर चलना कठिन है क्योंकि प्रत्येक जीव भिन्न भिन्न प्रकृति को लेकर जन्मा है, जीव जिस प्रकृति को लेकर संसार में आया है उसमें सरलता से उसका निर्वाह हो जाता है।

रूप, स्वास्थ्य, स्वभावगत गुण दोष एवं अज्ञानजनित विकारों को चित्त में नहीं रखूँगा, उनके कारण असन्तोष व्यक्त नहीं करूँगा।

चिरगाँव (झाँसी) में बाल्यावस्था बीतने के कारण बुन्देलखण्ड की वीरता और प्रकृति सुषमा के प्रति आपका प्रेम स्वभावगत था।

वस्तुत: गुरुत्वाकर्षण जड़ता का एक भाग मात्र है, तारे और ग्रहों की गतिविधियाँ, उनके स्वभावगत जड़त्व (इनर्शिया) से उत्पन्न होतीं हैं और उनका मार्ग दिक्-काल-सतति (स्पेस-टाइम-कॉन्टिनुअम) के वृत्तीय तत्वों पर निर्भर करता है।

उद्यमिता संबंधी स्वभावगत गुण - कंवल रेखी।

शायद ही कभी, प्रस्तुति में स्वभावगत विलक्षणता के कारण न तो क्रोहन रोग और न ही व्रणमय बृहदांत्रशोथ का निश्चित निदान हो पाता है।

"" जीवन भर सामाजिक अकादमी से अपेक्षाकृत पृथक रहे, सिमेल ने कॉम्ट या दुर्खीम की अपेक्षा घटना-क्रिया-विज्ञान और अस्तित्ववादी लेखकों का स्मरण दिलाते हुए आधुनिकता का स्वभावगत विश्लेषण प्रस्तुत किया, जिन्होंने सामाजिक वैयक्तिकता के लिए संभावनाओं और स्वरूपों पर विशेष तौर पर ध्यान केन्द्रित किया।

बोलियों और जनपदीय भाषा का सम्मान करना राहुलजी की स्वभावगत विशेषता थी।

जीवन भर सामाजिक अकादमी से अपेक्षाकृत पृथक रहे, सिमेल ने कॉम्ट या दुर्खीम की अपेक्षा घटना-क्रिया-विज्ञान और अस्तित्ववादी लेखकों का स्मरण दिलाते हुए आधुनिकता का स्वभावगत विश्लेषण प्रस्तुत किया, जिन्होंने सामाजिक वैयक्तिकता के लिए संभावनाओं और स्वरूपों पर विशेष तौर पर ध्यान केन्द्रित किया।

अतः प्रशिक्षण का लाभ उठाकर और अपनी स्वभावगत प्रकृति के चलते प्रथम भारतीय चलचित्र बनाने का असंभव कार्य करनेवाले वह पहले व्यक्ति बने।

जिस सम्मान और आत्मीयतापूर्ण ढंग से उन्होंने इन साहित्यकारों का जीवन-दर्शन और स्वभावगत महानता को स्थापित किया है वह अपने आप में बड़ी उपलब्धि है।

रूप, स्वास्थ्य, स्वभावगत गुण दोष एवं अज्ञानजनित विकारों को चित्त में।

स्वभावगत इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

AllMusic editor Michael Gallucci called the song a "glorious ballad" and added that when she is "handed torch songs that emphasized her natural slow burn", Williams is a "genuinely sexy and capable performer.

These erosional steps and risers are oriented relative to the predominant direction of the wind as it is now naturally funneled into and through these troughs.

However, in an effort to maintain the natural integrity of the region, there are no formal trails or signage to guide hikers to the Wave from any of the trailheads.

In The Sunday Journal (Bavaria) on 8 May 2005, Brother Alois was asked, "What comes after Brother Roger?" His answer was, "This question naturally arises, Brother Roger always taught us to live in the present moment.

Author–date: primarily used in the natural sciences and social sciences, and recommended by the American Chemical Society and the American Psychological Association (APA);.

San Diego had a natural harbor and many thought that it would become a major port on the west coast.

Argentine comics artists In economics, a common-pool resource (CPR) is a type of good consisting of a natural or Delapré Abbey is an English neo-classical mansion in Northamptonshire.

The campaign setting was similar to the 1989 version but in Mutant RYMD the corporations put much effort into space exploration and colonization, eventually reaching a fictional tenth planet named Nero and awakening an evil, supernatural force that attacks the solar system.

The books he published during his life show his wide interest which extended from medicine and natural philosophy to religion, metaphysics, astronomy and mathematics.

Speaking from personal experience, Cheyne asserted that mental depression afflicted the brilliant rather than the dull, writing that "those of the liveliest and quickest natural Parts .

The jurisprudential camp of legal realism, broadly speaking, consists of those scholars who strictly reject the concept of natural law and who believe that legal concepts, terminology and values should be based on experience, observation and experimentation and are thus, ‘real’.

Due to their verdict on natural law, they also reject the concept of [rights].

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