हिंदक्वार्टर Meaning in English
हिंदक्वार्टर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hindquarter
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हिंदक्वार्टर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Bold Ruler was a big, leggy horse, standing with a great shoulder, powerful hindquarter, and a distinctive long, sloping hip going down to a straight hind leg.
His back was short and compact, his loin was deep, and his hindquarters were strong and muscular.
The body should appear rectangular with a broad chest and broad shoulders and moderately heavy muscling in the hindquarters, with the hindquarters being equally broad as the shoulders.
He had a long, hollow back that sagged, especially as he aged, but still had a fine head, lovely neck, sound legs, deep girth, and powerful hindquarters with wide hips, inherited from his sire.
He has the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus.
He had a refined, beautiful head, well-sprung ribs, deep girth, and muscular, powerful hindquarters.
Topline sloping slightly upward from withers to hindquarters.
It has a pleasant head, good bone and a short shin, good spring of rib, strong loins and hindquarters and an active powerful stride.
The heartgirth is deep, the hindquarters are long and gently sloping.
Like other armadillos, the forequarters and the hindquarters are each protected by an armoured shield, and in this species, there are seven or eight ossified rings between the two.
Sightings of this type have been reported in such varied media as cloud photos, Marmite, chapatis, shadows, Cheetos, tortillas, trees, dental x-rays, cooking utensils, windows rocks and stones, painted and plastered walls, and dogs' hindquarters.
The animal should have a good balance of width and depth, allowing for a slight taper from the heavier hindquarters to the shoulders.