टिका होना Meaning in English
टिका होना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hinge
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हिप बूट
हिप हप
हिप हाप
नितम्ब संधि
हिप पैड
हिप जेब
हिप सॉकेट
हिप पाकिट
हिपैटोलेंटिक्युलर विकार
टिका-होना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Utica Crib was an ordinary bed with a thick mattress on the bottom, slats on the sides, and a hinged top that could be locked from the outside.
It is hinged and has a mechanism that snaps shut when stimulated by a pollinator, thus trapping the insect to ensure that the pollinia will be removed and later transferred to the receptive surface.
Kohlstetten was part of the Oberamt Urach (Unteramt or parish Gächingen) within Württemberg.
The B 313 branches at Plochingen off the B 10 and runs via Großengstingen and Sigmaringen to Stockach.
Despite the growing Siamese military strength, Siam's independence during much of the late-19th century hinged on the ongoing rivalry between Britain and France across the region, especially in the search for lucrative trade routes into the Chinese hinterlands.
The Japanese feudal lord Oda Nobunaga also called himself a maō in a letter to Takeda Shingen, signing it with 第六天魔王 ("the demon king of the sixth sky").
They had an attached pressurized hood with a hinged visor fastened to an anodized aluminum flange.
Several of his spheres were included in the 1997 Pete Hamill book, "Tools as Art: The Hechinger Collection.
Vohinger + Vovor (2005).
This can be a water proof door, like a trap door with hinges or a cover that is places on top of the cargo hold opening, covered and held down with a tarp or a latching system.
Geislingen (Steige) station is served hourly by regional train and regional express trains to Stuttgart, Plochingen and Ulm.
LaFroyge, now retired from heroics, became unhinged at the news and turned against his former teammates, setting up an inflammatory anti-New Warriors website, DestroyAllWarriors.
Even the doors have ornately decorated hinges.