हिंड्स Meaning in English
हिंड्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hinds
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हिंदू धर्म
हिंदुस्तान अंत
टिका होना
पर टिका
हिंड्स हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
1974 में जन्मे लोग एलिसन अमांडा हिंड्स (जन्म 1 जून 1970) बारबाडोस में स्थित एक ब्रिटिश मूल के बाजन सामाजिक कलाकार हैं।
"" प्रदर्शन करने वालों में सीन पॉल, बायरन ली, केविन लिटल, बेर्स हैमंड, लकी दूबे, बुजू बंटन, हाफ पिंट, एरो, मचेल मोन्टानो, एलिसन हिंड्स, टोनी रेबेल, तीसरी दुनिया, ग्रेगरी इसहाक, डेविड रूडर, झबरा, आई थ्रीस, और जिमी क्लिफ शामिल हैं।
प्रदर्शन करने वालों में सीन पॉल, बायरन ली, केविन लिटल, बेर्स हैमंड, लकी दूबे, बुजू बंटन, हाफ पिंट, एरो, मचेल मोन्टानो, एलिसन हिंड्स, टोनी रेबेल, तीसरी दुनिया, ग्रेगरी इसहाक, डेविड रूडर, झबरा, आई थ्रीस, और जिमी क्लिफ शामिल हैं।
50 ओवर का मैच: सेंट्रल डिस्ट्रिक्ट्स हिंड्स बनाम भारत महिला ।
सियारन हिंड्स - तर्डोस मोर्स।
हिंड्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
LaFroyge did have small skill with computer programming and research, as well as some tactical ability, though the latter skill was best employed when assessing events that had already occurred, analyzing in hindsight how events could have played out if different actions were taken (thus the source of his "heroic" identity).
Also perceptions can change and I think we all felt in hindsight that these six tracks deserved to be heard by a wider audience.
He claims that the accident was Joshua's fault, but admits that in hindsight allowing him to fly was a mistake.
Going into the final round Longmire looked likely to reach the 100-goal milestone for the season, however terribly inaccurate kicking against a hard Collingwood defence resulted in a tally of two goals and eight behinds, leaving him just two goals short.
Though in hindsight influential, this self-contained recording and gigging strategy most likely placed undue stress upon the relationship between the three band members.
In hindsight it is difficult to understand what the fuss was about.
He kicked 15 goals and just 4 behinds for the year- a little over a goal per game and No.
It is such a mixture of passion, humor, hindsight, prophecy, prejudice and reaction that the fact that it's not a very well-made movie, and is seldom convincing as melodrama, is almost beside the point.
In hindsight, the relationship between retarded and advanced potentials shown here is not so surprising in view of the fact that, in field theory, the advanced propagator can be obtained from the retarded propagator by exchanging the roles of field source and test particle (usually within the kernel of a Green's function formalism).
Frequently they offer a different and sometimes contradictory hindsight interpretation of events and people than Julian expresses in his manuscript.
Pitchfork wrote in 2006 that "conventional wisdom wrongly calls [Automatic] the dud" of the band's discography, but that in hindsight the album "feels like a career peak" and has been a fan favourite.