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स्टाफ़ का Meaning in English

स्टाफ़ का शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : staff

स्टाफ़-का हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

2008-2009 के मौसम के दौरान मैदान तैयार करने वाला स्टाफ़ काफी इस समस्या कम अंत हो गया है कि एक कृत्रिम प्रकाश व्यवस्था की शुरुआत की।

इसका नियंत्रण शाही जापानी सेना सामान्य स्टाफ़ कार्यालय और युद्ध मंत्रालय करते थे, और दोनों जापानी सम्राट के नाममात्र अधीन थे, जो थल सेना और नौसेना के सर्वोच्च अधिकारी थे।

बैंक ने एक प्रशिक्षण केद्र स्थापित किया जो विकसित होकर चेन्नै में स्टाफ़ कालेज बना।

१९९४ में दिल्ली आकर इकोनोमिक टाइम्स, फ़ाइनेन्शिअल एक्स्प्रेस,एशियन ऐज, में स्टाफ़ कार्टूनिस्ट रहे।

"" 17 साल की उम्र में मोनास्तीर के प्राइमरी सैनिक स्कूल में प्रारम्भिक सैन्य शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के बाद उन्हें कुस्तुन्तुनिया (कांस्टेण्टीनोपिल) के स्टाफ़ कालेज (वार एकेडमी) में उच्च सैन्य शिक्षा हेतु भेज दिया गया।

17 साल की उम्र में मोनास्तीर के प्राइमरी सैनिक स्कूल में प्रारम्भिक सैन्य शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के बाद उन्हें कुस्तुन्तुनिया (कांस्टेण्टीनोपिल) के स्टाफ़ कालेज (वार एकेडमी) में उच्च सैन्य शिक्षा हेतु भेज दिया गया।

स्टाफ़-का इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Patients and staff were safely evacuated, but a firefighter and doctor were killed while trying to salvage items from the building.

The clibanarii cavalry of Shapur II is described by Greek historian Ammianus Marcellinus, a Roman staff officer who served in the army of Constantius II in Gaul and Persia, fought against the Persians under Julian the Apostate, and took part in the retreat of his successor Jovian, as:.

The crews of the ships employed by Gute Bücher für Alle include staff known as "challenge teams"; according to the website, these "Teams go from the ship into surrounding areas to visit hospitals, schools, orphanages or prisons, supply aid and provide community care.

In each port, the ship's crew and staff partner with community groups to bring hope and show love to people whatever their circumstance, culture or background.

" The crew of the only vessel currently in use, the Logos Hope, reportedly numbers about 400 and includes members of 45 or more nationalities (as of mid-2012); the crew and staff typically volunteer in the organization and live on board for two years.

From October 2004 to March 2005 the regimental headquarters staff, led by Colonel Stuart Navarre, was deployed to Iraq in order to take over the role of the Iraqi Security Forces training directorate in support of 1st Marine Division at Camp Blue Diamond.

Because the regiment wasn't deployed as a regimental combat team the headquarters staff took on the responsibility of working with the Al Anbar Iraqi National Guard (ING) and the Iraqi Police in Ramadi.

In November 1994, Mayor Carty Finkbeiner suggested at a staff meeting that a way to resolve complaints about airport noise would be to move deaf people into the neighborhood.

In May 2006, he called Toledo's African American Fire Chief Michael Bell "King Kong" at a staff meeting.

One imagines him wrestling with the giant Skrymir and drinking deep draughts from the horn of Thor, or exchanging jests with Falstaff at the Boar's Head in Eastcheap, or joining in the intellectual revels at the Mermaid Tavern, or meeting Johnson foot to foot and dealing blow for a mighty blow.

In 2015, the southern Alberta community of Bighorn restored a Reddy Kilowatt image in inlaid linoleum that had been part of a floor at a former Calgary Power staff house for more than 50 years.

had been yielding under Warner's ownership, Tramiel shut down nearly all of their 80 domestic branches, laying off the staff and liquidating the inventory.

Most of Atari staff members were either dismissed or resigned, with the remainder relocated to JTS's headquarters.

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