स्टाफरूम Meaning in English
स्टाफरूम शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : staffroom
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
एक प्रकार का हरिणस्टेज
मंच शय्या
चरण नृत्य
मंच नृत्य
मंच सज्जा
मंच सज्जा सहायक
मंच निर्देशन
मंच दरवाजा
मंच प्रभाव
मंच छोड़ दिया
स्टेज मैनेजर
रंगमंच का मंच
मंच प्रदर्शन
मंच वादक
स्टाफरूम इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The newly completed school comprised two 3-storey buildings and one 2-storey building, six science labs, three life skills workshops, three home science rooms, a canteen, a surau, a staffroom, a car park, a field and a library.
Block B in levels 3 to 6, situated on the South of the site, houses the Mathematics, English, Home economics and Visual Arts staffroom, the staff common room, the School Library, classrooms and labs for Computing, and classrooms for English and Science.
A renovated Administration area, staffroom and Wellbeing Hub.
The president entered the staffroom and searched for Choi.
Junior Block houses classrooms for Bridge Class, Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students together with a staffroom, Junior Laboratory and Canteen B.
The main Kroger Wing: centre section (rooms 1,2,9,11,11a,12,13 " 14) opened in 1915, with a 1918 extension (rooms 3,4,5,6,7 8), a two-storey front (rooms 10 " 10A, staffroom) opened in 1942, a VCE study centre, and administration offices, both opened in the 1970s.