स्टाफ कक्ष Meaning in English
स्टाफ कक्ष शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : staff room
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स्टेज मैनेजर
रंगमंच का मंच
स्टाफ-कक्ष इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A new College block, with seven classrooms, administrative offices and a College staff room was added.
The ground floor now provides a shop, tearoom, and waiting room, whilst the upper floor provides office and staff rooms.
In the provision of teaching, the College has been organised by departments since the 1980s, with shared departmental staff rooms and subject-specific blocs and classrooms.
From Summer 2009 to Spring 2010, the Mick Jagger Centre and part of the Pochin and Stephenson blocks underwent a major redevelopment, which provided a new drama studio, new science laboratories, a food technology lab, a new staff room, new art rooms and classrooms.
From east to west these spaces comprise: men's toilet, ladies toilet, ladies waiting room, general waiting room, booking office, Station Master's room, parcels office, store, staff room and out-of-room.
The Labour Daily criticised the sacrifice of staff rooms.
The first floor houses second and third year painting studios, visual communication studios, textiles studios, life drawing rooms, the head of school's office in the east wing and the printmaking staff room in the west.
The building is used for additional support lessons, as well as a gym for students, offices and a staff room.
Air-conditioning is only featured in most staff rooms, the hall and the computer rooms.
In April 2008, a new €6 million euro extension to Junior House was completed, with new science laboratories, technical and computer rooms, a new staff room and a new social area.
Staff can be trained to make them more efficient, and require frequent rest in staff rooms.
The Central Corridor houses a computer laboratory, staff rooms, and storage and building services like the heater boilers.