वोकल कॉर्ड Meaning in English
वोकल कॉर्ड शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : vocal cord
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वोकल-कॉर्ड इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Heavy drinker and three-packets-a-day smoker Jack Hawkins' voice is audibly fraying: it was almost the last film he made before surgery for throat cancer removed his vocal cords and left him with little more than a whisper.
Because Arbitro destroyed his eyes and vocal cords, he cannot see or speak.
He rescued Scarlett, but a window exploded in his face, scarring him and damaging his vocal cords.
On 3 October, Nek's European Tour was cancelled because of health issues with vocal cords, for which in order to avoid surgery was not allowed to sing for two months.
In 1996, Ruiz's liver began to fail leading to a hospitalization and a temporary coma, during which his vocal cords were damaged when an intubation process was undertaken.
These factors, combined with the stress of recording "Dammit", led Hoppus to strain his vocal cords significantly, forcing the band to cancel the final week of recording the album in December 1996.
He had extensive damage to his body and vocal cords and was in a coma for two weeks.
His voice sounded more gravelly but no less distinguished after he was treated for cancerous tumours on his vocal cords in 2012.
However, Sonny Moore (vocalist of From First to Last) developed a node on his right vocal cord needing surgery, thus ending Wes Borland's touring stint with From First to Last.
However, as Lesh had stopped singing during this period due to vocal cord damage from improper singing technique, Weir and Donna Godchaux sang lead for both the recording and when it was later added to live set lists.
They recorded one more LP and a 7" before internal problems (including Mario's shredded vocal cords) and line-up changes forced them to call it quits.
There are many mimics that present with similar symptoms, such as vocal cord dysfunction, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
It may be triggered when the vocal cords or the area of the trachea below the vocal folds detects the entry of water, mucus, blood, or other substance.