वोकलाइज Meaning in English
वोकलाइज शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : vocalize
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व्यावसायिक शिक्षा
व्यावसायिक पुनर्वास कार्यक्रम
व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण
व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम
वोकलाइज हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
स्वरोच्चारण या वोकलाइजेशन में तीन उपखण्ड सम्मिलित होते हैं : विशेषक, योग्यकारक तथा पृथक्कारक. विशेषक, बोलते समय व्यक्त करने वाली भावनाऐं होती हैं जैसे कि हंसना, चिल्लाना तथा जम्हाई लेना. योग्यकारक संदेश देने का एक तरीका है - उदाहरण के लिये 'हे स्टॉप देट' फुसफुसाने की जगह।
यिद्दी भाषा हिब्रू लिपि पर आधारित किन्तु पूर्णतः ध्वनित (वोकलाइज्ड) लिपि में लिखी जाती है।
""स्वरोच्चारण या वोकलाइजेशन में तीन उपखण्ड सम्मिलित होते हैं : विशेषक, योग्यकारक तथा पृथक्कारक. विशेषक, बोलते समय व्यक्त करने वाली भावनाऐं होती हैं जैसे कि हंसना, चिल्लाना तथा जम्हाई लेना. योग्यकारक संदेश देने का एक तरीका है - उदाहरण के लिये 'हे स्टॉप देट' फुसफुसाने की जगह।
वोकलाइज इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Developer N-Fusion Interactive and publisher Replay Games created a modern point-and-click remake of the original game with updated HD graphics, fully vocalized audio, and various enhancements to the original like new puzzles and new characters.
One of the three children of Guyanese-born comedian Benny Nightingale and his wife Iris (they also had daughter Rosalind and son Glenn), Maxine Nightingale first vocalized with her school band.
Male Phyllodytes do vocalize, in contrast to Phytotriades.
Recorded at Marvin's Los Angeles studio, Marvin's Room, the singer vocalized a song where the author is longing to get out of his shy cover and get on the dance floor with reckless abandon.
He is easily frustrated and openly vocalizes his frustrations, and avoids direct confrontations if he can help it, but when required, he can be quite cunning and mischievous.
The film's music score is by avant-garde composer George Antheil, vocalized by Marni Nixon.
By the first centuries CE, what is called "Old Ethiopic" or the "Old Geʻez alphabet" arose, an abjad written left-to-right (as opposed to boustrophedon like ESA) with letters basically identical to the first-order forms of the modern vocalized alphabet (e.
There were also minor differences, such as the letter "g" facing to the right instead of to the left as in vocalized Geʻez, and a shorter left leg of "l", as in ESA, instead of equally-long legs in vocalized Geʻez (somewhat resembling the Greek letter lambda).
Vocalization of Geʻez occurred in the 4th century, and though the first completely vocalized texts known are inscriptions by Ezana, vocalized letters predate him by some years, as an individual vocalized letter exists in a coin of his predecessor, Wazeba of Axum.
At least one of Wazeba's coins from the late 3rd or early 4th century contains a vocalized letter, some 30 or so years before Ezana.
They typically inhabit areas with dense grass clumps and vocalize between 18:00 h to about 23:00 h during the months of June to October.
It is also vocalized to before a consonant at the beginning of a word, after a vowel before a consonant or after a vowel at the end of a word.
Primary stress is on the penultimate vowel before a juncture, with long vowels counting double and semi-vocalized vowels not counting as vowels.