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वाक्यांशित Meaning in English

वाक्यांशित शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : phrased

वाक्यांशित इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

A paraphrased copy decorates the ceiling of the Blue Drawing Room at West Wycombe Park in England.

'" This quote was then used by Tom Wolfe (and attributed to Wachtler) in Wolfe's 1987 novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, paraphrased into "a grand jury would 'indict a ham sandwich,' if that's what you wanted.

The woman in blue could be representing poetry, pointing to Plutarch who observed that "Simonides calls painting silent poetry and poetry painting that speaks", later paraphrased by the Latin poet Horace as ut pictura poesis.

The scenarios are ideally phrased declaratively rather than imperatively — in the business language, with no reference to elements of the UI through which the interactions take place.

42 old pence (p) would be three shillings and sixpence (3/6), phrased as "three and six".

In the first, Villena appropriated biblical discourse, citing several passages of Peter Comestor's paraphrased bible Historia Scholastica which acquiesce in astrology and magic.

As movement member Mary Ann Lundy phrased it, "The idea comes from the original Judeo-Christian concept of Sanctuary, where persons fleeing the law could go to places of worship and be protected.

In a comment this was paraphrased: what was reasonable in 2001 because much was unknown, was not reasonable anymore in 2009,.

The latter say nothing to prevent things from turning for the worse, while the former interfere in all, hoping to make things better" (paraphrased).

Those four examples can be rephrased as the statement that the following are Gelfand pairs:.

In 2004 Ukrainian rap band GreenJolly paraphrased this song to create "Razom nas bahato" ("Together We Are Many") during the first days of Orange Revolution.

The definition can be rephrased in a more symmetric manner: an ideal \mathfrak{q} is primary if, whenever x y \in \mathfrak{q}, we have x \in \mathfrak{q} or y \in \mathfrak{q} or x, y \in \sqrt{\mathfrak{q}}.

Some were repeated word for word, other paraphrased; 100,000 people attended the vision on August 15, 1950, and witness accounts vary significantly.

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