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फिलोजेनेटिक Meaning in English

फिलोजेनेटिक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : phylogenetic

फिलोजेनेटिक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""पार्समोनी-आधारित फिलोजेनेटिक विश्लेषण पर आधारित, सभी यूकार्योट्स के सबसे हाल के आम पूर्वज बहुत संभवत: पहले ही शुरूआती आरएनए हस्तक्षेप को भूतग्रस्त करते थे, कुछ युकार्योट्स में मार्ग की अनुपस्थिति को व्युत्पन्न विशेषता माना जाता था।

फिलोजेनेटिक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Shades of green In phylogenetics, a plesiomorphy (“near form”) is an ancestral character state.

Because a plesiomorphic character inherited from a common ancestor can appear anywhere in a phylogenetic tree, its presence does not reveal anything about the relationships within the tree.

On the basis of phylogenetic data it is further placed in tribe Leucodendreae, a morphologically heterogeneous group with no obvious diagnostic characters, and dominated by South African genera.

Through phylogenetic analyses for the complete mitogenome sequence, South Korean and Chinese C.

The phylogenetic position of frogs currently included in the genus Pseudis in relation to other anurans was for a long time a matter of debate.

Recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic reconstructions have unambiguously placed them within the subfamily Hylinae with Scarthyla as a sister group.

stated "Two major groups were identified by principal component, phylogenetic, and identity by descent (IBD) analysis: Middle Eastern Jews and European/Syrian Jews.

Recent phylogenetic studies have suggested that Avicennia is derived from within Acanthaceae, and the genus is included in that family in the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group system.

During the 1990s archaeologists began to use phylogenetic methods borrowed from cladistics.

Evans was influenced by the works of Bernhard Rensch, Ernst Mayr and Thomas Huxley, but he was not comfortable with the ideas of phylogenetic classification.

For example, primates are phylogenetically divided into those, such as lemurs, with the primitive rhinarium (Strepsirrhini) and the dry-nosed monkeys (Haplorhini, including apes and humans).

(2015) phylogenetic analysis of hundreds of morphological characters of Paleocene placentals found instead that creodonts might be the sister group to Pholidotamorpha (pangolins and their stem-relatives).

A 2013 morphological and mitochondrial DNA-based phylogenetic study showed that the Incan caenolestid and the long-nosed caenolestid (Rhyncholestes raphanurus) form a clade sister to Caenolestes.

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