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शारीरिक योग्यता Meaning in English

शारीरिक योग्यता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : physical ability

शारीरिक-योग्यता हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

"" शोधार्थी जवाहरलाल हांडू के अनुसार सरदार चुटकुले सिखों के रूढ़ीवाद और उनके अंग्रेज़ी भाषा और समझ के स्थान पर शारीरिक योग्यता को अधिक महत्त्व देना है।

शोधार्थी जवाहरलाल हांडू के अनुसार सरदार चुटकुले सिखों के रूढ़ीवाद और उनके अंग्रेज़ी भाषा और समझ के स्थान पर शारीरिक योग्यता को अधिक महत्त्व देना है।

सरकार ने केवल उन्हीं विभागों के अधीनस्थ कर्मचारियों की भर्ती को संभालने के लिए आयोग का गठन किया, जहां भर्ती की गई भर्ती के लिए अपनी शारीरिक योग्यता का पालन करना आवश्यक है मानदंडों और भी निर्धारित वर्दी पहनना है।

पहले वर्ग में उन्होंने क्रियात्मक (Practical), यांत्रिक (Machenical) एवं शारीरिक योग्यताओं को रखा है।

शारीरिक-योग्यता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Her physical ability is minimal, but she more than makes up for it with her total seriousness in the spirit of defense.

The protected groups are national origin, race, color, ethnicity, culture, economic status, and physical ability.

" He can grow back lost limbs and damaged body parts but they appear larger, scaled and reptilian like his carapace and grant him a higher level of physical ability.

Both by Sugoll's own assertion and the attestation of the rest of the Howlers, Sugoll is first among the Howlers in all things – mental power, physical ability, and, most of all, physical deformity.

(2011) study suggests that a prospect's past performance in college is a better indicator of future NFL performance than the aforementioned physical ability tests.

What if we suppose instead that Home and Foreign have an integrated labor market, so that labor is free to move between them: What effect will this have on the decision to form an optimum currency area? This includes physical ability to travel (visas, workers' rights, etc.

He wanted to create a game which everyone could play, no matter their age or physical ability.

Eyesight, physical ability to do simple actions such as check blind spots, wear a seat belt safely without the wound site being affected and hand eye coordination are all assessed.

This idea spun off the idea of an age-specific cohousing model for active elders, in which community designs permit easy access for all levels of physical ability.

Importantly,"On Piano Playing" corrects these common misconceptions: pianists only play with their fingers and only a few have the physical ability to play the piano.

Potential trainees must be at least eighteen years old with a high school diploma, and able to complete the Police Officer's Physical Aptitude Test (POPAT), which determines a recruit's physical ability.

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