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वाक्यांश संरचना Meaning in English

वाक्यांश संरचना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : phrase structure

वाक्यांश-संरचना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

* हेड-चालित वाक्यांश संरचना व्याकरण (HPSG) '#x2013;।

""* सामान्यीकृत वाक्यांश संरचना व्याकरण (GPSG) '#x2013;।

वाक्यांश-संरचना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

From this perspective, Dynamic Antisymmetry aims at unifying movement and phrase structure, which otherwise would be two independent properties that characterize all human language grammars.

Both constituency-based trees of phrase structure grammar and dependency-based trees of dependency grammar are employed here:.

Modern phrase structure grammar.

The following trees illustrate PRO in both constituency-based structures of phrase structure grammars and dependency-based structures of dependency grammars:.

Phrases are in a context-free language (CFL), generally a deterministic context-free language (DCFL), specified in a phrase structure grammar, which is a Type-2 grammar, generally given as production rules in Backus–Naur form (BNF).

Despite the existence of these automatic tools, parsing is often implemented manually, for various reasons – perhaps the phrase structure is not context-free, or an alternative implementation improves performance or error-reporting, or allows the grammar to be changed more easily.

In C, classifying a sequence of characters as a variable name or a type name requires contextual information of the phrase structure, which prevents one from having a context-free lexer.

Head-driven phrase structure grammar.

In some analyses, separate levels of phrase structure are proposed for different kinds of inflection.

However, two main groups can be distinguished: treebanks that annotate phrase structure (for example the Penn Treebank or ICE-GB) and those that annotate dependency structure (for example the Prague Dependency Treebank or the Quranic Arabic Dependency Treebank).

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