वनचर Meaning in English
वनचर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : forest
, forester
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वनचर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Tom Gill (writer) (1891–1972), American forester, fiction and non-fiction author, and editor of psychiatry journal.
A point of interest, at the Woods' edge, is a historic forester's lodge built in 1890.
American foresters Martyn Andrew Grimley (born 24 February 1963) is a former field hockey player.
The book Pennsylvania Trees (1928), written by state chief forester Joseph Illick, records willow oak as occurring in Lancaster, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Philadelphia counties, chiefly on wet sites, occasionally in drier, upland ones.
The ruins that remain mostly consist of later additions when the structure served as a temporal dwelling and foresters' lodge.
mottle-faced tamarin John Stanley Beard (15 February 1916 – 17 February 2011) was a British-born forester and ecologist who resided in Australia.
Quality awards Major-General Simon Joseph Fraser, 14th Lord Lovat and 3rd Baron Lovat, (25 November 1871"nbsp;– 18 February 1933), was a leading Roman Catholic aristocrat, landowner, forester, soldier, politician and the 23rd Chief of Clan Fraser.
The specific epithet (dalrympleana) honours the forester, Richard Dalrymple Hay.
In 1923, Fairchild formed Fairchild Aerial Surveys of Canada, Limited after he was asked by the chief forester of the Laurentide Paper Company to perform aerial surveys of Canada.
His son Anthony Lowe, as gentleman of the bedchamber for Henry VIII, was made a hereditary forester of Duffield Frith in 1523, and awarded the Manor of Alderwasley, with Ashleyhay, in 1528.
Alte Försterei (old forester's house).
Most are owned and used by foresters and game wardens.
वनचर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
विल्हण की प्रसिद्ध रचना विक्रमांकदेवचरित में विक्रमादित्य षष्ठ के जीवनचरित् का विवरण है।
प्रसिद्ध राजा सिद्धराज जयसिंह एवं कुमारपाल राजा के धर्मोपदेशक होने के कारण ऐतिहासिक लेखकों ने आचार्य हेमचन्द्र के जीवनचरित पर अपना अभिमत प्रकट किया है।
संस्कृत कवियों का जीवनचरित्र लिखना कठिन समस्या है।
उनके आविर्भाव और मृत्यु के उपरांत संतों तथा भक्तों के जीवनचरित्रों के निर्माण की परंपरा चल पड़ी।
लुइस मोरेरी ने 1674 में एक विश्वकोश की रचना की जिसमें इतिहास, वंशानुसंक्रमण तथा जीवनचरित् संबंधी निबंधों का समावेश था।
जीवनचरित - चीन वैत देकाल्ब काउंटी।
इन कहानियों में गाँव-देहात की जीवनचर्या के अलावा वहाँ के रीति-रिवाज, दरिद्रता तथा दयनीयता भी सामने आती है।
इनमें वैदिक आर्यों के पुरायुगीन पारिवारिक, धार्मिक याज्ञिक एवं सामजिक जीवन में उन कर्मधर्मादि का निरूपण किया गया जिसके कारण आज भी पूर्ववैदिकयुगीन आर्यों की जीवनचर्या, समाज एवं आचारविचार की गतिविधि का हमें ज्ञान हो पाता है।
"" लुइस मोरेरी ने 1674 में एक विश्वकोश की रचना की जिसमें इतिहास, वंशानुसंक्रमण तथा जीवनचरित् संबंधी निबंधों का समावेश था।
रजतकान के प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकारों में सेनेका ने ग्रीक परंपरा में त्राजेदी, ल्यूकन ने महाकाव्य, फ्लाकस और जुवेनाल व्यंग्य और कटाक्ष, प्लिनी ने इतिहास, क्विंतिलियन ने साहित्यालाचन और इतिहास तथा तासितस ने जीवनचरित, इतिहास, साहित्यिक आलोचना इत्यादि की रचना से लातीनी साहित्य को समृद्ध किया।
भारत सरकार द्वारा अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी का जीवनचरित।
डोना क्रोलीक होलनबेर्ग द्वारा लिखी हुई पर्याप्त जीवनचरित्र 'अ पोएट'स रेवोल्यूशन: द लाइफ ऑफ डेनिस लेवेरतोव' अप्रैल २०१३ में कैलिफ़ोर्निया विश्वविद्यालय प्रेस द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया।
रिपोर्ताज लेखन, जीवनचरितात्मक उपन्यास और महायात्रा गाथा की परंपरा डाली।
वनचर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Walk or cycle in from Newnes State forest.
The six story high pedestrian thoroughfare is structured by eight freestanding supports on each side of the Galleria, which branch out into parabolic shapes evoking a forest canopy or a tree-lined avenue because of the presence of building facades along the sides of the structure.
This means that by taking efforts to preserve the langurs, the CBLCP, by protecting the natural environment of the archipelago, really works to preserve all the species found on the archipelago and to protect the overall health of the forest.
This is a difficult trend to reverse, as the langur was being poached by local people who relied on the forest for subsistence and sold langurs to support their meagre income, and from poachers outside the Island who are part of the international illegal wildlife trade.
4% of the total land area is heavily forested and 2.
These designs can represent habitats including tropical rainforests, jungles, riverbanks, bogs, or even the beach.
eco) has as its main objective the offsetting of Greenhouse gases emitted by human activities that can range from complex industrial production processes to simply driving a car, with reforestation projects in riparian areas that need to be recovered.
The project supports forest restoration efforts in biodiversity hotspots in Peru and Costa Rica.
The purpose of the project done by The Green Initiative is the neutralization of the Greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions related to the realization of the COP 8 through the reforestation of a degraded riparian area in the City of Curitiba .
The musician Txai Brasil released his first album which is the first in Brazil to have its carbon emissions neutralized by reforesting 1 ha of riparian area in the State of São Paulo - Brazil.
4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent to the atmosphere which will be absorbed by the reforestation of the riparian area.