वानिकी Meaning in English
वानिकी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : forego
, forestry
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अग्र लेख
वानिकी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Other political achievements by Green included restructuring Tasmania's four port companies into a single entity, supporting a wide-ranging review into public passenger transport services, and increasing transparency in the forestry sector, through changes to Freedom of Information laws and by supporting the role of the Forest Practices Authority.
The entirety of land designated as forestry is made up of heavy forests.
In recognition of his contribution to the field of forestry, the Government of India appointed him as Managing Director of the Newsprint Paper and Pulp Mills, Nepanagar, M.
agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food.
National Agroforestry Center (USDA).
Farm Woodland Forum - Silvopastoral Agroforestry.
However, no more than 6,000-8,000 were ever housed at the main camp, with the rest sent out to work in forestry and industry in more than 1,000 Arbeitskommando ("Work Companies") spread out over the entire state of Brandenburg.
Although political opposition caused Cornell to transfer the forest lands under the "forever wild" protection of the Adirondack Forest Preserve and to transfer Cornell's forestry education programs to its College of Agriculture, Cornell continued to acquire forest land remote from its main campus.
The management of forestry and the development and exploitation of public land.
The Bishopric was secularised in 1803 and Schönrain later continued in use by the forestry officials of the Kingdom of Bavaria.
The longer term environmental care of the region is associated with forestry and in the lower reaches, perennial fruit like peaches and other trees.
An area of forestry and farming, comprising the village and a dozen hamlets situated by the banks of the canal lateral a la Loire, some northeast of Bourges, at the junction of the D7, D920 and the D52 roads.
Skyline logging, in forestry, a method of cable logging.
Holmes à Court studied forestry at the University of Auckland and Massey University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 1962.
वानिकी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
1. आर्मेचर, 2. छल्लेदार झंझरी (ferrule grid), 3. परदा, 4. तनुपट, 5. स्थायी चुंबक, 6. कुडंली (coil), 7. ध्रुव खंड 8. सिरे का पट्ट, 9. ध्वानिकी प्रतिरोध, 10. वैरिस्टर (varistor) तथा 11. पश्च कक्षिका।
अतः सामाजिक वानिकी कार्यक्रम को सामाजिक दायित्व के रूप में लेना होगा तथा इसे सामाजिक शिक्षा व तकनीक से जोड़कर इसकी अनिवार्यता पर अत्यधिक बल देना होगा।
वानिकी अनुसंधान और शिक्षा एवं इनके अनुप्रयोग के लिए सहायता और प्रोत्साहन देना तथा समन्वयन करना।
अनेक विदेशी TIMO (टिंबरलैंड इंवेस्टमेंट मैनेजमेंट ऑर्गनाइजेशन) की हाल की उपस्थिति वानिकी गतिविधि की आर्थिक क्षमता का एक आश्वासन है।
""अतः सामाजिक वानिकी कार्यक्रम को सामाजिक दायित्व के रूप में लेना होगा तथा इसे सामाजिक शिक्षा व तकनीक से जोड़कर इसकी अनिवार्यता पर अत्यधिक बल देना होगा।
पादप फसलों के साथ-साथ पेड़ों एवं झाड़ियों को समुचित प्रकार से लगाकर दोनो के लाभ प्राप्त करने को कृषि वानिकी (Agroforestry) कहा जाता है।
अपने निबंध, 'भारत में सामुदायिक वानिकी के प्रागितिहास', 2001 के लिए अमेरिकन सोसायटी के लिए पर्यावरणीय इतिहास Hidy पुरस्कार के लियोपोल्ड से सम्मानित किया गया।
समपूरक और मुक्त सहस्वानिकी ।
वानिकी, लकडी कटाई और मछली पकड़ने जैसे कृषि संबद्ध क्षेत्रों का 2007 में सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में 5.1% का योगदान था।
"" वास्तुक बहुधा विशेषज्ञों के एक दल का, जिसमें संरचना इंजीनियर, तापन और संवातन इंजीनियर, ध्वानिकी विशेषज्ञ, प्रकाश इंजीनियर, भू-सर्वेक्षक, मात्रा आगणक, स्वास्थ्य इंजीनियर और भू-दृश्य सलाहकार होते हैं, संयोजक बन जाता है।
""२००९-१० में, अर्थव्यवस्था के प्राथमिक क्षेत्र (कृषि, वानिकी और पर्यटन) के राज्य के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में ४४% के योगदान और द्वितीयक क्षेत्र (औद्योगिक और विनिर्माण) के ११.२% के योगदान की तुलना में तृतीयक क्षेत्र (सेवा उद्योग) ४४.८% के योगदान के साथ राज्य के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में सबसे बड़ा योगदानकर्ता था।
शहरी वानिकी के अंतर्गत शहरों और उनके आस-पास निजी व सार्वजनिक भूमि, जैसे- पार्क, सड़क के किनारे, औद्योगिक व व्यापारिक स्थलों पर वृक्ष लगाना व उनके प्रबंधन को शामिल किया जाता है।
२००९-१० में, अर्थव्यवस्था के प्राथमिक क्षेत्र (कृषि, वानिकी और पर्यटन) के राज्य के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में ४४% के योगदान और द्वितीयक क्षेत्र (औद्योगिक और विनिर्माण) के ११.२% के योगदान की तुलना में तृतीयक क्षेत्र (सेवा उद्योग) ४४.८% के योगदान के साथ राज्य के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में सबसे बड़ा योगदानकर्ता था।
वानिकी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
In 1993, trumpeter Kermit Ruffins and Rebirth split amicably after Ruffins decided to spend more time at home with his young family and forego Rebirth touring engagements.
The verdict was a foregone conclusion as all that remained was the reading of the confessions made by the accused in Alice Springs.
Moreover, Baxter claims her victory in 1923 was not seen as "a foregone conclusion".
I'd never thought of it as anything other than a foregone conclusion that he'd back.
Both the foregoing were privately circulated by the management.
He entered the NBA Draft after his junior season, foregoing his senior year.
Newley's distaste for the performance became so intense that he was willing to forego his own performance fee if he were to be allowed to re-arrange and re-record the song himself, and pay for the session as well.
Since the WIC program encourages breast feeding, it raises a question similar to the foregoing: Would it be more effective and efficient if some of the spending on infant formula is transferred to drawing more participation of WIC, making more people eligible for this program?.
Consequently, the positive attributes of the forgone option are remembered as the positive attributes of the chosen option, or the negative attributes of the chosen option are remembered as the negative attributes of the foregone option.
An example of fact distortion would be if you have to choose between buying one out of two cars which can both drive at a maximum speed of 130"nbsp;mph, the foregone car would be remembered with a maximum speed of 100"nbsp;mph, whereas the chosen car will be remembered with a maximum speed of 160"nbsp;mph.
Many argue that the "cost of foregone consumption is less than the cost of increasing the supply of electricity.
With its foregone conclusion, it lacks the replayability of the previous game in the series.
He was drafted by the Utah Jazz in the 2nd round, with the 34th pick of the 2005 NBA draft but decided to forego college when the Jazz offered a two-year guaranteed contract equivalent to that of a late first round selection.