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जालसाज Meaning in English

जालसाज शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : foreman
, forger

जालसाज इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The forgery was only cleared up after Malskat reported his deeds to the authorities in 1952, and he and Fey received prison sentences in 1954.

Niger uranium forgeries.

The Vestiarium was a Victorian era forgery, first published in 1842 by the Sobieski Stuarts.

During that same time, Krebs published a two-part investigation on illicit activity at domain name registrar EstDomains, one of Atrivo's biggest customers, showing that the company's president, Vladimir Tšaštšin, recently had been convicted of credit card fraud, document forgery and money laundering.

Rottiers also repeatedly admitted to selling forgeries and misleading buyers, but told Reuvens that he would never do so to him and that his earlier mistakes were youthful folly.

They produced conclusive evidence that extensive sections of Anton Schindler's Beethoven conversation books were forgeries.

The officials of Ellada Moschatou, fearing the revelation of forgery and punishment, will not use it, resulting in the 2-1 defeat and the loss of the championship.

The painting is again destroyed by Lisa's guinea pig in "The War of Art" but it gets replaced with a replica made by a famous art forger.

Even though it has since been proven forgery, the Vestiarium is still the basis of many of today's clan tartans.

The forgery conviction stems from a 2001 accusation that Croak falsified records to obtain a liquor permit.

जालसाज हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

अभिषेक चौबे की ब्लैक कॉमेडी फिल्म डेढ़ इश्किया (2014) में एक जालसाज महिला की भूमिका उनकी सात साल में पहली अभिनय भूमिका थी।

जालसाजी से संबंधित आरोंपों के लिए इनकी जांच की जा सकती है।

अनुकरण की तीन तकनीकें हैं: नकल और (किसी अन्य नमूने की नक़ल करना), जालसाजी (एक नया प्रतिमान बनाना) और विकर्षण (एक वैकल्पिक नमूने की पेशकश)।

कुछ समय बाद रोज़ी को जालसाज़ी का पता चल जाता है।

दूसरी तरफ एक अरुण कुमार (अनिल कपूर) नाम का पुरुष जो उसका नया सहायक है और दूसरा जालसाज़ है जो वास्तव में उसका असली पोता है।

उस समय मिथिलेश को पहली बार लगा कि वो जालसाजी का काम कर सकता है।

"" इसमें जितना संभव है उतने इराकियों को शामिल करते हुए उन्हें एक निरीक्षण योग्य पहचान कार्ड प्रदान किया जा रहा है जो जालसाजी के प्रतिरक्षा कवच से लैस है।

संभवतः यह जालसाज़ों पर निगाह रखने के लिये U.S. सरकार और प्रिंटर निर्माताओं के बीच हुए एक समझौते का परिणाम है।

सीधे प्रयुक्त किए जाने पर, इस क़िस्म की हस्ताक्षर प्रणाली, कुंजी-मात्र अस्तित्वात्मक जालसाजी हमले के प्रति असुरक्षित है।

इलेक्ट्रॉनिक संचार में फ़िशिंग या फिशिंग (अंग्रेजी:Phishing) या इलेक्ट्रोनिक जालसाज़ी, एक ऐसा कार्य है जिसमें किसी विश्वसनीय इकाई का मुखौटा धारण कर उपयोगकर्ता नाम (प्रयोक्ता नाम), पासवर्ड (कूटशब्द) और क्रेडिट कार्ड का विवरण (और कभी-कभी, परोक्ष रूप से, पैसा) जैसी विभिन्न जानकारियां हासिल करने का प्रयास किया जाता है।

बाली को जालसाजी की कार्रवाई में फंसाने की कोशिश करते हुए चुलबुल ने गुल्लू की मदद से मंत्री एस.एस.शर्मा और उसके बहनोई का अपहरण कर लिया, और एक कबूलनामा तैयार किया, जिसे वायरल किया गया।

एक अस्तित्वात्मक जालसाजी कुछ वैध संदेश/ हस्ताक्षर जोड़ी में परिणत होता है, जो विरोधी को पहले से ही ज्ञात नहीं है।

ओ'हेगेन ने यह दावा किया कि न ही वह और नहीं उसका फर्म पिल्सबरी के प्रति प्रत्ययी कर्त्तव्य के लिए उत्तरदायी है, अतः उसने पिल्सबरी का विकल्प खरीदकर जालसाजी नहीं की।

जालसाज इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Krader is not present, but the foreman, Bronk is.

Stroud was a foreman for the city's street department.

) According to a later discussion by the jury foreman, members had a difficult time with the case, initially voting 7-5 in favor of guilt.

Later he was forced to leave this post; he worked as a shop foreman at the metallurgical plant and worked as an engineer at various enterprises.

Bob Thomsen, who later had his own successful training career, was stable foreman at Tulloch Lodge for nine years.

As deck crew foreman, the boatswain planned the day's work and assigned tasks to the deck crew.

The railway was built by local labour provided by North Staffordshire Railway employees at weekends and supervised by the North Staffordshire Railway foreman plate layer Noah Stanier, using second hand material, again obtained from the North Staffordshire Railway.

A foreman, forewoman or foreperson is a supervisor, often in a manual trade or industry.

Construction foreman, the worker or tradesman who is in charge of a construction crew.

Jury foreman, a head juror.

Ranch foreman, the manager of a ranch, overseeing all aspects of the operation.

Shop foreman or plant foreman, the frontline supervisor in a skilled trade, manufacturing or production operation.

Road foreman of engines, the person in charge of and the supervisor of, a locomotive engineer in the United States.

Railroad track foreman, the person in charge of daily activities of a crew related to duties involved in the construction, maintenance, inspection, and repair of railroad tracks in the United States.

His grandfather was Gideon Paloris Lyda who worked as foreman on Thomas Lyons " Angus Campbell's famous LC Ranch headquartered near Silver City, New Mexico.

The work was led by Okhotsk archpriest Stefan Popov, and the Stanitsky foreman Sheludyakov from the Tauisk (ru) second outpost was directly involved in the translation.

After leaving NJPW in 2002, he formed Fighting World of Japan Pro Wrestling (WJ), but eventually returned to New Japan in October 2005 as a site foreman, booker and part-time wrestler.

He ran Riki Pro until 2005 when he returned to NJPW as a site foreman, booker and wrestler.

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