भूला Meaning in English
भूला शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : forgot
, forgetful
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
भुला करफ़रामोशी
क्षमा शक्ति
क्षमा कर के
क्षमाीय रूप से
भूला बिसरा
भूला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
She is also the mentor of Meng Po, the goddess of forgetfulness.
It mentions that Simon, Judas' brother, was worsted in a first engagement (14:17), omits the battle of Capharsalama, and represents Nicanor, struck with the manliness of the Jews, as entering into friendly relations with Judas, urging him to marry and lead a quiet life, forgetful of the king's command until Alcimus accused him to Demetrius.
This says that the functor -\otimes_R S is a left adjoint to the forgetful functor \operatorname{Res}_R, which restricts an S-action to an R-action.
Khurana used the toy to counteract his forgetfulness.
Her forgetfulness can often be a source of annoyance to the other characters, but they quickly forgive her.
It also contended that the Malays were the "definitive" people and thus "rightful owners" of Malaysia, which also entitled them to their privileges but he also criticized the Malays for being "easily forgetful".
Thinking — One may experience feelings of restlessness, confusion, forgetfulness and/or decreased metacognition.
Lilly (voiced by Mag Ruffman) – A fox who is forgetful and sometimes scatterbrained, and she often ties a string around a finger in order to remedy this.
"Unforgetful You" - Jars of Clay (3:21).
The rivers were: Acheron, river of sadness; Cocytus, river of lamentation; Lethe, river of forgetfulness; Phlegethon, river of fire; Styx, river of hate.
The authors of the book I Can't Believe It's a Bigger and Better Updated Unofficial Simpsons Guide, Warren Martyn and Adrian Wood, wrote, "A nice episode for Otto and some great moments for Skinner as he tries to drive the bus, but especially memorable for Homer's moment of forgetfulness after the concert.
This separating forgetfulness is maha-maya, or enthrallment, spiritual death, and constitutes the fall of the jiva into the world of material birth, death, disease and old age.
Since it is a state of complete annihilation of carnal self, absorbation or intoxication in God, the pilgrim is unable to participate in worldly affairs, and he is made to pass into another state known as Fana-al-Fana (forgetfulness of annihilation).
भूला हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अतः जब मित्रराष्ट्रों ने उसे युद्ध में पराजित कर निर्वासित कर दिया तब इस पराजित नायक को फ्रांस की जनता ने भी भूला दिया।
""भूला बिसरा क्रांतिकारी शहीद उदमी राम।
यहां की यात्रा का अनुभव भूला नहीं जा सकता।
अपने पुत्र राम पर कैकेयी के द्वारा किये गये अन्याय को भूला कर वे कैकेयी के पुत्र भरत पर उतनी ही ममता रखती हैं जितनी कि अपने पुत्र राम पर।
लेकिन सीनियर एडव्होकेट भूलाभाई देसाई की शानदार दलीलों ने इस मुकदमे को आजाद हिन्द फौज के सिपाहियों के हक में कर दिया।
स्मारक को पूर्णतया नहीं भूलाया जा सका, क्योंकि लोक कथायें इसके महिमापूर्ण इतिहास से असफलता और दुर्गति के साथ अंधविश्वासों से जुड़ गयी।
सलमान रुश्दी ने बताया कि उन्हें यह जताते हुए कि उन्हें मारने की शपथ वह देश भूला नहीं है, उन्हें अभी भी ईरान से हर साल 14 फ़रवरी को एक वेलेंटाइन कार्ड जैसा कुछ प्राप्त होता है।
मुक्तक में प्रबंध के समान रस की धारा नहीं रहती, जिसमें कथा-प्रसंग की परिस्थिति में अपने को भूला हुआ पाठक मग्न हो जाता है और हृदय में एक स्थायी प्रभाव ग्रहण करता है।
""मुक्तक में प्रबंध के समान रस की धारा नहीं रहती, जिसमें कथा-प्रसंग की परिस्थिति में अपने को भूला हुआ पाठक मग्न हो जाता है और हृदय में एक स्थायी प्रभाव ग्रहण करता है।
इसके बाद भी बादल अपने माता-पिता के हत्यारे के बारे में नहीं भूला है।
इसमें एक भूला-बिसरा मामा अपनी भांजी से अचानक मिलने आ पहुँचता है, तो उसके आने के वास्तविक कारण पर शंका की जाने लगती है।
प्रकृति के प्रांगण में विहार करनेवाले विभिन्न पशु-पक्षियों तथा नानाविध वृक्षों, लताओं व फूलों को भी कवि भूला नहीं है।
गांधी को लगता था की, सवर्णों को छुआछूत भूलाने के लिए उनके ह्रदयपरिवर्तन होने के लिए उन्हें कुछ वर्षों की अवधि दी जानी चाहिए, किन्तु यह तर्क गलत सिद्ध हुआ जब सवर्णों हिंदूओं द्वारा पूना सन्धि के कई दशकों बाद भी छुआछूत का नियमित पालन होता रहा।
भूला इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
West was initially complaining of exhaustion, but in the game, all was forgotten.
Smiling John: The forgott Neunhausen (Néngsen, ) is a village in north-western Luxembourg.
There it stood in obscurity for three-quarters of a century, forgotten by both the Japanese and Koreans.
But he also needs to distract the tytans who seem to worship a crystal fragment and have forgotten about their tasks for the citadel.
The prestige of his family, the information about his services given by the Audiencia of Lima, and the recommendations from some faithful captains that began to arrive from Chile caused the accusations of his enemies to be soon forgotten.
By marrying a relative of Mahlon's, she is doing an act which will ensure that Mahlon's paternal lineage is not forgotten.
Though largely forgotten in the modern era, Orr was remembered by both fellow players and sports writers as one of the greatest hitters of the 19th century.
"nbsp;[an] economic crisis had started well before the political crisis—a fact that would be forgotten in the aftermath of the political tumult that followed.
Her family has trouble adjusting to their new life and Julie is forgotten and ignored, as the family adjusts to living in uncle Jimmy's (Brian Thompson) seaside home.
Yet the men who achieved these excellent results, for such economy of effort and comparatively small loss, were but a handful of pilots who have been forgotten in the overwhelming mass of the heavy-and medium bomber fleets that were pounding both Europe and Asia by 1945.
the jungle-clad hills and islands of forgotten or unknown lands would become the major stage for the ultimate expression of the dive-bombers' skill.
Now aged 50, Hatzipanagis said: "It is very touching to see that you are not forgotten, that your contribution is appreciated even after so many years.