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क्षमाशीलता Meaning in English

क्षमाशीलता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : forgiveness
, forgiving disposition

क्षमाशीलता हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

(६) सहिष्णुता : सहिष्णुता से तात्पर्य सहनशक्ति व क्षमाशीलता से है।

उनका संदेश है प्यार, करूणा और क्षमाशीलता

"" यह इस बात का स्मरण कराने का कार्य भी करती है कि हर किसी के पास प्रेम, पवित्रता, नम्रता, क्षमाशीलता तथा सेवाभाव के गुण होने चाहिये।

यह इस बात का स्मरण कराने का कार्य भी करती है कि हर किसी के पास प्रेम, पवित्रता, नम्रता, क्षमाशीलता तथा सेवाभाव के गुण होने चाहिये।

भृगुलता भगवान की सहिष्णुता और क्षमाशीलता का प्रतीक है तथा श्रीवत्स दर्शन शरणागति दायक और भक्तवत्सलता का प्रतीक हैं।

'वे, जो मसीह की निन्दा करते हैं और बच कर निकल जाते हैं, वे ईसाईयों की क्षमाशीलता और अपमान करने वालों से भी प्यार करने के गुण का गलत फायदा उठा रहे हैं।

धरती माता की क्षमाशीलता प्रसिद्ध है।

क्षमाशीलता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Meglia subsequently created Big Bang and The Book of Gabriel, the story of an archangel who lost his immortality and must endure a quest to gain forgiveness from the sin he committed.

In 2018, two local women from the Finger Lakes region in New York partnered with the nonprofit RIP Medical Debt after fundraising for the purpose of debt collection for debt forgiveness.

Having lost Bedford and his brother, Falkes submitted to Henry III on 19 August, pleading for forgiveness in exchange for the loss of all his possessions.

Certain persons of little faith, or rather enemies of the true faith, fearing, I suppose, lest their wives should be given impunity in sinning, removed from their manuscripts the Lord's act of forgiveness toward the adulteress, as if he who had said, Sin no more, had granted permission to sin.

He has composed uxolo (meaning forgiveness, in the Zulu language), specially commissioned for Brian’s string quartet of instruments in honour of South Africa’s 4 Nobel laureates, Nelson Mandela, Dr.

Desmond Tutu met with Lin during a visit to Taiwan in 2007, urging forgiveness and publicity for Lin's story.

The dauphin was forced to beg his father's forgiveness.

Other parables stand alone, such as the parable of the unforgiving servant, dealing with forgiveness; the parable of the Good Samaritan, dealing with practical love; and the parable of the Friend at Night, dealing with persistence in prayer.

Love and forgiveness.

I forgive those who have hardened their hearts to the truth and I pray they ask forgiveness, for they know not what they do.

In a long cycle of infidelity-defeat-repentance-forgiveness the Jewish history is written.

"Grace is much more than forgiveness, it is also transformation and sanctification, and finally, glorification.

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