क्षमा शक्ति Meaning in English
क्षमा शक्ति शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : pardon power
, forgiveness
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
क्षमा कर केक्षमाशीलता
क्षमाीय रूप से
भूला बिसरा
भूल भुलैयां
भूल प्रतिपादन
कांटा सेब
कांटा बंद
कांटा खत्म
काँटा लग्ना
क्षमा-शक्ति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
On the contrary, he saw reconciliation as a healing process that must start with truth telling, confession of wrongdoing, genuine request for forgiveness and willingness to accept the consequences of one's actions.
Despite leaving dozens of phone messages begging for forgiveness, Meat Loaf never heard from Parr again.
As the craziness builds to hilarious conclusions, CAFFEINE interweaves these characters' hapless attempts to repair their fractured relationships while they are forced to confront issues of fidelity, betrayal, commitment and forgiveness.
Despite pronouncements of forgiveness by both of the Sickles and a brief reconciliation, which caused an outraged public reaction against him, Sickles was effectively estranged from his wife after the trial.
Orania was an Afrikaner homeland and a striking anachronistic symbol of racial separation, and Mandela's recurring emphasis on forgiveness contributed toward the healing the prejudices of South Africa and as vast influence as a leader.
In 2000, he was quoted as saying, "For all people who have found themselves in the position of being in jail and trying to transform society, forgiveness is natural because you have no time to be retaliative.
Rayford confronts Hattie, telling her that their "affair" was wrong, and that he wants her forgiveness, and she leaves in a huff.
Indeed, at the last international conference held in San Antonio, Texas, in December 1989, Weiner publicly apologized and asked for forgiveness for any abuses anyone suffered from him personally from authoritarianism or from the organization.
In their joint statement of forgiveness they said, "We unconditionally forgive our captors for abducting and holding us.
The content for the communication includes an offer to correct the offense, a request for forgiveness, an expression of regret and admission of full responsibility, as well as true account of the problem.
After the death of Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang, Cao Cao's wife Lady Ding (who was not Cao Ang's biological mother but adopted him as her own) left him, never coming back even after he asked for forgiveness many times.
"I'm very sorry for the mistakes I made in my past and I know that forgiveness is a lot to ask for.
It is this forgiveness that eventually saves the day.
क्षमा-शक्ति इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The pardon powers of the President are outlined in Article Two of the United States Constitution (Section 2, Clause 1), which provides:.