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बिना शिकायत के Meaning in English

बिना शिकायत के शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : without complaint

बिना-शिकायत-के इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Other contemporaneous reports, however, praised her presentations without complaint and noted her attributes approvingly, "Her platform work is forceful and pleasing.

Ryan is often the victim of Michael's antics and bizarre man-crush on him, usually resigning to requests without complaint.

Bobby accepts this without complaint.

Reviews were generally strong but not without complaints.

::"In the whole territory, from one sea to the other, the natives serve without complaint, save for two provinces which lie between those of Teguantepeque, Chinanta, Guaxaca and Guazacualco, in the middle of all four; the people of these two provinces are called Zapotecas and Mixes.

Sheeran joked that they did so without complaint, likely hoping that he and his buddies would change their minds.

He was described as popular and that although not an intellectual, he carried out any tasks without complaints.

However, the album did not go without complaints.

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