का विचार किए बिना Meaning in English
का विचार किए बिना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : without considering
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
का विचार किये बिनाबिना परामर्श
ख़तरे के बिना
रक्षा के बिना
जिसके आगे विकास न हो
बिना भेदभाव के
बिना किसी संदेह के
बिना प्रभाव या फल के
प्रयत्न के बिना
बिना अपवाद
बिना किसी अपवाद के
बिना किसी स्पष्टीकरण के
का-विचार-किए-बिना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
(२) प्रज्ञापराध : अविवेक (धीभ्रंश), अधीरता (धृतिभ्रंश) तथा पूर्व अनुभव और वास्तविकता की उपेक्षा (स्मृतिभ्रंश) के कारण लाभ हानि का विचार किए बिना ही किसी विषय का सेवन या जानते हुए भी अनुचित वस्तु का सेवन करना।
उपहार की परिभाषा करते हुए कहा गया है कि किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा स्वेच्छा से विद्यमान चल अथवा अचल संपत्ति का अन्य व्यक्ति को, मूल्य का विचार किए बिना, दिया जाना उपहार है।
"" फलतः वाक्यों के अर्थों का विचार किए बिना, उनके आकारों में अनुस्यूत संबंधों को और उनपर आधारित अनुमितियों को, प्रतीकों की भाषा में प्रकट किया जा सकता है।
का-विचार-किए-बिना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
To be precise, an economy exhibits the classical dichotomy if real variables such as output and real interest rates can be completely analyzed without considering what is happening to their nominal counterparts, the money value of output and the interest rate.
This serves as a three-parameter model of the physical universe (that is, the spatial part, without considering time), in which all known matter exists.
For example, a common mistake made by teachers is to define the problem behavior by how it looks without considering its function.
Seidel writes off the character of Blanche as a nymphomaniac without considering the character's complexities.
Valerius says that Lucius Annius was disapproved of because he divorced his wife without consulting his friends; that is, he undertook the action for his own purposes and without considering its effects on his social network (amicitia and clientela).
Scalawag laments that they have succumbed to their desires without considering the consequences.
She makes the strangest questions without considering how difficult and unpleasant they can be.
Therefore, any discussion related to India and Bangladesh's Defence cooperation remains incomplete without considering the China Factor.
His desire to be liked often leads him to make unwise decisions or unfeasible promises without considering the consequences, only to back out when they result in an undesirable comeuppance.
For instance, if the specification came from an engineering guideline without considering the function and criticality of the part, a discussion around process capability is useless, and would have more benefits if focused on what are the real risks of having a part borderline out of specification.
There is no real "trick" being played in terms of deception, the defense simply reacts without considering the possibility of the ball carrier changing mid-play.
At these technology nodes, the performance and correctness of a design cannot be assured without considering noise effects.