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फ्लेकिंग Meaning in English

फ्लेकिंग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : flaking
, flakeing

फ्लेकिंग हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""रूसी के कई कारण हो सकते हैं, जैसे शुष्क त्वचा, अक्सर पर्याप्त सफाई नही रखना, शैंपू का ज़्यादातर उपयोग, सोरायसिस, एक्जिमा, बालों की देखभाल के उत्पादों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता, या एक खमीर की तरह कवक, सूखी त्वचा रूसी फ्लेकिंग का सबसे आम कारण है।

रूसी के कई कारण हो सकते हैं, जैसे शुष्क त्वचा, अक्सर पर्याप्त सफाई नही रखना, शैंपू का ज़्यादातर उपयोग, सोरायसिस, एक्जिमा, बालों की देखभाल के उत्पादों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता, या एक खमीर की तरह कवक, सूखी त्वचा रूसी फ्लेकिंग का सबसे आम कारण है।

फ्लेकिंग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Local government in Scotland Furling refers to stowing or dousing a boat's sail by flaking (folding), packing (like stuffing a spinnaker into a bag), or stowing it in part or whole using roller furling.

Internal wall painting finish is flaking.

The majority of the rendered walls show significant paint deterioration and flaking indicating rising damp issues in some rooms.

Platform 3 Building - Generally in moderate condition with evidence of flaking paint along the lower sections of rail side elevation and rising damp damage on roadside elevation near the phone booths.

After the painting was evacuated in 1939 to Penrhyn Castle to protect it from the risk of German bombing in World War II, losses of paint from flaking were noticed, and various attempts in the following years to stabilize the situation failed.

This method would be unlikely to be used today, but did stabilize the flaking.

While hard hammer and direct percussion was used in the initial reduction phase (phase 1), followed by soft hammer and marginal percussion (phase 2), pressure flaking was only used during the final retouch phase (3), and a few points were also reworked by hard hammer percussion (phase 4).

The Still Bay points from Blombos Cave represent some of the earliest evidence for pressure flaking, a technique more common in considerably more recent lithic techno-complexes.

2010 and microscopic study of Still Bay points from Blombos Cave indicate that some silcrete blanks were deliberately heat-treated, before pressure flaking was employed in the final reduction sequence, and thus improving the silcrete's flaking quality.

If a photograph exhibits flaking or chipping emulsion it should not be stored in a plastic enclosure as static electricity could further damage the image.

In the end, the text refers to the determination, the furious desire to live ("I have to find the will to carry on with the show") in spite of vanishing strength ("inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking").

"Despite having two members leave, Sanctity continues instead of flaking out and dropping off a tour we were obligated to.

They inhabit a variety of niches, predominantly arboreal, such as tree hollows, cracks, and beneath flaking bark.

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