लौलुपता Meaning in English
लौलुपता शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sandstone
, flame
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लौलुपता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The verandas of balusters are decorated with stone flames, while the staircase is enhanced by allegorical statues of stone, intermingled with vases and flames.
When the flame is red, it's warm weather ahead.
The American spelling of the word "Rumor" is due to the fact that Thompson took the title of his album from a posthumously published poem by Archibald MacLeish: "Rumor and sigh of unimagined seas/ Dim radiance of stars that never flamed.
The Prince, now free, inflames the masses, and the people riot.
Flames re-ignite, but a prayer by Zarastra moves the god Ahura Mazda to stop the flames so that the lovers may leave the temple.
Legend has it that if the candle stays aflame while passing beneath the bridge, one's wish will come true.
Antonia Santiago Amador (La Chana) as flamenco dancer.
At some point in this simmering phase, a deflagration flame front is born, powered by carbon fusion.
The elder De Mello was a karate master, flamenco guitarist, and former weightlifting champion, and he vigorously mentored Adragon from an early age.
Prominent Orthodox rabbis have pointed to many years of rabbinical sources that state that any coercion can invalidate a get except in the most extreme of cases, and have spoken out against "get organizations", which they claim have often inflamed situations that could have otherwise been resolved amicably.
The hydrogen is led over a platinum sponge catalyst, where it reacts with air oxygen, heats the catalyst and ignites from it, producing a gentle flame.
A student of Southern political history, he knew that racial resentment was easy to inflame.
“O, the fire that flames from inside the night.
लौलुपता इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
The Wave is a sandstone rock formation located in Arizona, United States, near its northern border with Utah.
As a result, the troughs are now almost exclusively eroded by wind, as indicated by the orientation of erosional steps and risers cut into the sandstone along their steep walls.
The Wave exposes large-scale sets of cross-bedded eolian sandstone composed of rhythmic and cyclic alternating grainflow and windripple laminae.
The soft sandstone is fragile, especially the ridges and ribbing of the Wave.
These laminae were deformed prior to the lithification of the sand to form sandstone.
Hikers must choose their own route across the open desert, which requires traversing exposed sandstone, sand dunes, and sandy wash bottoms.
The tunnel was bored through the sandstone in 1907 as part of the Newnes railway line that served the Newnes oil shale mines that operated during the early 20th century.
Stralauer Tor was dismantled after being damaged in a 1945 air raid, but its four sandstone-clad support posts can still be seen.
The river drains an area of that is mostly clay, but with limestone and sandstone in certain areas.
Berdorf is known for the sandstone rocks surrounding it.
Here the Manifold flows through moorland on sandstone and various gritstones, before a conspicuous change at Hulme End, about 6 miles downstream, when the underlying rock changes to limestone.
The village has at some point been a centre for quarrying sandstone, clock making, box-work, and the production of curling stones.
The sandstone quarry dates back to the 18th century.